Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Teachers: Unsung Heroes of the World

DEDICATION * * * This reflection paper is dedicated to the unsung heroes of the world—TEACHERS; To all morally upright and just individuals whose sense of integrity and humility are rooted deeply within them; To Mr. Books who never fails to inspire me with his words and wisdom; To my parents and my mentor, EXPERIENCE, for making me understand at an early age the essentialities of life here on earth; And to my Creator, You are beyond the superlative degree of adjective. You are the Minerva and the hair of Samson in my life. You have always been there leading me along the path that I have chosen! I salute you all! – K. A. P. C. * * * Introduction The writing technique that I used in this paper was a little different than those that I have written before, specifically during my undergraduate studies. In here, I made use of chapters instead of uninterrupted, paragraph by paragraph account. The reason is as simple yet complicated as to how a raindrop is able to produce rainbow with different colors from a single beam of sunlight or how a prism bends white light into different colors. As to this paper, each chapter reflects the unforeseeable and offensive truths that The Story of Teddy Stoddard implies, which are often hard to swallow by many people maybe because of pride or blindness. These paper includes both reactions and reflections. Commonly as it has always been, the story of Teddy Stoddard was no different with a lot of movies that I have watched and stories that I have read and heard before—all of which had communicated the same genre as the former. It is but an ordinary ripped page, no rarity or unfathomable terminologies, existing behind the great literary masterpieces of the world. But with its simple approach and language to whomever the reader may be, paired with its emotional quality, is like one of my favorite movies—Titanic. I can watch it over and over and cry to my hearts’ content time and again. On a profound understanding of the story, I was able to nod my head as each word of the story mumbled deeply within me as if letting me know that there is more to teaching as there is more to life. The story does not only happen in real-life teaching where some teachers tend to act like Mrs. Thompson but as well as in many other fields of profession and even in congregation of ordinary people. Let me discuss first, in a broader perspective, the story’s implication to human and life before I discuss the minutest details of its implication to the teaching profession and to me as a teacher. Chapter 1 Myths of the World Ever wonder why the world is becoming evil? Or why in spite of many sound philosophies and theories of education the world continues to move forward to its downfall? Why almost all men, especially educated men, are more foolish than a beggar on the street? Simple. A beggar is the happiest man in the world when somebody drops a coin in front of him, but to a man who knows a thing, a coin will do him no good unless that coin happens to be gold. We only worry on things that concern us or have direct effects in our lives. Those that do not seem to matter in their diminutive, powerless forms are taken for granted—consider Teddy’s case for instance. Nero, Alexander the Great, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Hussein, Bin Laden and many others who are like them—weren’t these men, who had been leaders of their own dominions, able to earn a degree in college? Unfortunately, none of them was able to show genuine compassion towards their subjects, was able to leave something behind that future generations can make use of. It is not very often that people thank Hitler or Hussein for what he did because not many are born with mental retardation. (But of course, Teddy’s gratefulness to Mrs. Thompson was a different matter. ) It is very obvious to notice that only a few people in the past —Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Ghandhi, Mandela, and others—were able to show what real compassion means. As for Einstein, he’s a genius. Yet there is a fine line between genius and insanity. Had he only made use of his common sense, world leaders of today will stop accusing each other on issues about the use of nuclear weapons. Einstein’s actions were enough proofs that, even to genius, common sense is not very common. Thus, our first myth is: Not everything that glitters is gold. 1 Even other metals or â€Å"rusty† metals can reflect light and can have shiny appearance if furnished well. What and whom am I talking about? Find it out The Story of Teddy Stoddard. When I heard the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death, I did not believe it in an instant. What if it were a mere propaganda of Obama’s administration? What if Bin Laden’s look-alike were the one who got killed? Or did he really have a look-alike? From the book that I find no time to finish reading, entitled The Road Less Traveled, Scott Peck discussed what he termed as scientific tunnel vision—that is, according to him, â€Å"patients [people] are able to see only a very narrow area directly in front of them. They cannot see anything to the left or to the right, above or below their narrow focus. † I would strongly agree that, too often, a lot of people in this world, including I, have this kind of vision. We find it too difficult to look beyond the surface of things. Our perception of the world is no more than skin deep or subjective like that of Mrs. Thompson’s. Thus, the second myth is to see is too believe. 2 We are realists or materialists most of the time in the sense that what we see is independent to what we think. An object continues to exist independently of the mind. Mrs. Thompson were aware of the presence of Teddy. He comes to school, takes exams, et cetera. Yet, Mrs. Thompson ignored to use her mental faculty to the most logical and sensible manner that she could to diagnose the problem of Teddy. It’s like when a man and a woman were seen by somebody moving out a motel. It is not hard to imagine what would immediately come in the mind of the observer. It is a prejudice akin to judging the book because of its worn-out cover. Having been explained that ‘seeing is believing’ is not always reliable, it is to be rejected. What we hear or see is not what we should always believe in. At times, we need to be idealists. There are times when we need to be rationalists, or skeptics or moralists, so on and so forth. There are even times when we need to be generalists. Remember this overused line: â€Å"Together we stand, divided we fall†? Adopting only one philosophy in life is discriminatory but it surely will lead us somewhere although our vision will be much like that of a tunnel. As for me, too much is enough. If these â€Å"too much† ideas being introduced to us at any given time anywhere in the world will solve human strife, it should have started a long time ago. Sadly, it did not. Sometimes, I feel disoriented into thinking how men, through the ages, are able to move forward, leaving the world behind at its deterioration. Or how a teacher is to be promoted whose responsibilities to his pupils he failed to accomplish. Nonetheless, everything comes and goes, and all that remain are unfinished businesses. At the end of the day, when exhaustion from every day work pays me a visit, I just sit and try to remember one thing that I learned from The Little Prince: â€Å"What is essential is ‘invisible’ to the eye. † It amazed me how Mrs. Thompson was able to realize her mistake and was able to understand the concept of â€Å"invisibility† on the latter part of the story. He that never changed any of his opinions never corrected any of his mistakes; and he who was never wise enough to find out any mistakes in himself will not be charitable enough to excuse what he reckons mistakes in others. † -Shakespeare- No matter how intelligent, how good, how rich or how respected a person is, it is an undeniable fact that he often commits false accusations and hypotheses. It’s our n ature as humans. Even philosophers and men of God cannot escape this inevitable â€Å"offense† because whatever their beliefs are, they too, commit mistakes. Luckily, we can bail out of this â€Å"offense† because of Alexander Pope who once wrote metaphorically, â€Å"To err is human. . . † but it didn’t just end there. He further added, â€Å"To forgive divine. † Thus, forgiveness itself cures mistakes. But there is an exemption: Laws are created because not every mistake can be excused by a simple sorry. Here comes the concept of pride. From this, the third myth arises: â€Å"Everybody can forgive†. Why is that? The sentence seems to be lacking. Nobody forgives unless he forgets. We will remain prisoners of our own hatred unless we forgive and forget. But doing both things is as hard as judging oneself. The good things about the story were Mrs. Thompson’s humility as a teacher to correct what she had done wrong and Teddy’s disregard of anger towards Mrs. Thompson. In all of these things that I have written, one thing in life, for sure, is universal that applies to all men: We see unrighteousness when we are right; we do not see righteousness when we are wrong and, there is no such thing as â€Å"between right and wrong†. It is a necessity , therefore, to evaluate ourselves continuously. It might appear as a science-related issue as to how Mrs. Thompson metamorphosed from unrighteousness to righteousness. An â€Å"ugly caterpillar† once she might had been, she later transformed into a â€Å"beautiful butterfly† who was able to touch the life of a unique wild flower named Teddy. Thus, we can never tell what type of impact we may have on another's life by our actions or lack of actions. Whatever and whoever we are, let us not stop remembering that the best gift we could give or receive is touching a life and making a difference on someone’s life. As Gandhi said: â€Å"We must become the change we want to see in the world. â€Å" So the last myth is: Butterflies are beautiful to look at especially on their colors. It’s a paradox. Why? Because a butterfly is a camouflage of a caterpillar that it once had been. A caterpillar can live without being a butterfly, but it is impossible that a butterfly will appear without being a caterpillar. The underlying fact about it is that it CHANGES—from ugliness to beauty (like Mrs. Thompson). Same principle applies to humans. But most of the time, the reverse happens. â€Å"Are we caterpillars who get fat by obtaining nourishment from leaves until they finally run out r are we butterflies who add beauty to flowers every time we perch on them? † -Kristel- Like a butterfly, each of us has/had bones in our closet and we act according to norms as a camouflage of our little â€Å"secrets†. True? Hell, right! Freud was a genius with his concept of id, ego and super ego! â€Å"All humans have behavioral problems. A person with behavioral problem is not normal. If you’re normal, then you’re not human. † (Kristel, 2011) Chapter II â€Å"What Does It Take To Be Human? † In light of my twenty-one years of existence, the world has shown and taught me so much that it can offer. Though most of the time, asking how and why things behave in ways I cannot understand is like dragging myself into a labyrinth. My own logic often convinces me that doing such a thing is just putting myself into a dilemma. People and books can give answers but their answers often lead to another chapter which makes it become very obvious that life really is an indecipherable puzzle. A lot of life’s opportunities, difficulties, persons who are dear to me have come and gone in my life—opportunities that caused me to have regrets, challenges that taught me the importance of humility and loved ones who made me cry. Through all of these I realized that whether we take life seriously or not, it has never been easy to take. Life is difficult and it will always be that way. But once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Life, aside from its being difficult, is finite as well. This is the greatest truth in the world. Because of this truth, we, humans, have tried everything to outdo earth’s rotation by shortening ten years of men’s consistent labor to its half. This was made possible because the birth of industrialization gave humans the need to invent. Destiny dictated our triumphs. But is it a triumph or a failure that the birth of machineries is able to overpower Time? The answer is evident. Because of our obsession to change the world, we forget to change our attitudes. I guess the reason why a lot of people, specifically people in the past who often â€Å"defy† and critique norms, die poorly and unlamented is not because their beliefs are right but because society’s attitude towards them and their attitudes towards society fail to have a point of tangency (like in Geometry) thereby they are excluded in the â€Å"system†. Human weakness is power and too often, as power strengthens esponsibility weakens (in Physics, it is termed as inverse proportionality). Spider Man said: â€Å"Great power comes great responsibility† but when one is greater than the other, there arises masters and slaves. After I read The Story of Teddy Stoddard, I came into deep deliberation of what it takes to be human and trust me, I do not know if people would agree, for we all have our own way of thinking, that to be human is to become conscious that we are not in power to rule but we are responsible to serve. This would be more realistic if action would speak louder than words. CHAPTER III What Does It Take To Be Teachers? First and foremost, teaching had never been in my list of one-of-many things that I dreamt of doing someday. Well, truthfully, I believe that none of them really have been brought into realization. My first love was architecture but my true love is writing. Life really is not everything. Things that we do not expect happen as if they were to tap our backs to say â€Å"Hey, learn from us! †. When I was just a little girl, though living was as tough as it is now, I was always wondering what I would be someday. First, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. I was in grade school then when I thought of it. My sister and I used to pretend that we were teachers. We used to write on a mini chalkboard that our mum bought for us using varied colors of chalk. I have always been the one pretending as teacher and she was my pupil. As years past, when I finally entered fifth grade, I thought of becoming a journalist instead. My classmates often think of becoming like that so I decided to do the same. The feeling was similar when at one time I terribly ached for sweet candy because my playmate happened to have one. Things happened too swiftly before I realized that I was already a high school student. A year before my senior year, I was so sure of taking architecture in college. I discovered that I have a talent in designing houses and decorating their interiors. It has always been my passion to draw houses and appreciate the beauty of them whenever I go to places. It was on my last year in high school when I wished of becoming a writer and at the same an architect, and a teacher, and . . . and . . . well, I wasn’t quite sure right on that very moment. I lost my momentum. Perhaps I have been so engrossed of thinking over what I would be like. It was like trying to become ten different persons all at once though I knew that I was just an average. I mean, I was just a nobody way back in high school and up until now. Thin. Pimpled face. Shy. Unpopular. Out-of-style. Hermit. And other disgusting adjectives that one would happily attach to my name. I found that my previous ‘detention centers’ were too tight and were ‘pains’ in my ass. College life was different. I found freedom, comfort, appreciation, and friendship. I have the difficulty liking my course because I was forced to take it. I mean, nobody forced me to. It was I, myself. During that time, I feel like there’s nothing else to choose from so I took it anyway. My parents were not able to send me to prestigious college or university in the city because of lack of money. Architecture was, thus, forgotten. But in spite of that, I was learning wonderful things each day in college. I was beginning to be comfortable with the new environment and the people around. But I still could not accept the fact that I would soon be graduating despising the course that I have taken. But, but . . . things really happen for a reason, you know. God has His way of sending blessings in disguise. Even though I failed to fulfill my greatest dream, I somehow feel that I am leading on the right track though too often a few destructions shake my momentum. Sometimes I think that God put me into this profession because He wants me to learn and unlearn things in life. Or why I took the life that a few people in the world would buy. Or why I am making life difficult when on the other side is a greener pasture to walk on. Mother understands me for the decision that I have made, though father is not as understanding as her. I know that deep within them they want to see in me the daughter that they wanted me to be —happy, the one that would take them out of poverty, earning a much higher salary, self confident, and candid. I do not know. All I know is that when we hold on to our principle, we will be like a tree fixed on the ground—full of nourishment to give away yet never moving forward up to its death. Up to this day, I as well do not know the reason why I teach until I read The Story of Teddy Stoddard. I admire Mrs. Thompson because she was able to make a big difference on Teddy’s life. Someday, I wish I could do the same thing not only by being a teacher but by being human on this planet that I am living in. Now that I’m in the teaching profession, I am beginning to realize what it’s like to be human and to be a teacher. Some people may raise their brows on us making us feel so sick, others may say bad things about us as if they had never been bad all their lives. As for me, humility really matters. Within the four months of being in my line of work, I can say that there is more to teaching than meets the eye. Teaching is difficult. So far, it is what I can say. Difficult to the point that aside from everyday teaching, I meet a lot of people with different personalities wherein sometimes a person who doesn’t know how to control emotions or does not comprehend right from wrong may probably just burst out. Thank God, I am learning a lot with people who are as imperfect as I am. (Am I this bad Sorry. Hehehe! Peace! I’m not just in good mood today. OOO) I guess you have heard someone said: â€Å"Politics is not dirty. The ones who make it dirty are the people involved in it. † Same thing happens in teaching even with Mother Earth, but I do not want to discuss it further. For crying out loud, I am too judgmental! Peace every one! I, too, make mistakes! A lot of moral lessons can be taken from the story. I am beginning to have an extraordinary motivation to write as many pages as I can though my time is running out (it’s not that I’m going to die soon . . . L. O. L! just busy). I believe that there are many Mrs. Thompson in the world who transformed from being caterpillars to being butterflies. Some may even remain as caterpillars. I, well, I do not know what I am. Sometimes I am a caterpillar, sometimes a butterfly. I cannot run away from being a caterpillar especially when anger hits me. Anger is a state of mind. How can I escape from anger without losing my mind? But I am the type of person who, most of the time, does not speak out what I want to say (In teaching, we must be careful with the command of language. Everyone has his own interpretations). As an escape, (heheh) I write everything down on a sheet of paper. At least, through it, there’s an indirect communication. I can even delete words that seem not quite good to the reader. It’s not because I want to please everybody because that is hypocrisy. It’s just that people will not be satisfied unless they have scrutinized every inch of us. If enough were not enough, trust me, scrutiny won’t end. (What am I doing right now? Am I not scrutinizing? L. O. L! OOO) From time to time, we must weigh things up. We are never always right neither always wrong. Acceptance is a key to a contented and harmonious living. The Story of Teddy Stoddard tackles the concept of acceptance. In connection to teaching, a lot of teachers say, and too often I try to agree, that once we are in the system, we have to face facts, to accept things as they are. No but’s, but that’s how the world works. Many people have tried to reverse its working, but they all ended being ridiculed and condemned. What’s the relevance of all these things that I’ve written into taking Master’s degree units? I do not know, but one thing for sure is I know: as I continue learning, I am ‘knowing more and more about less and less’. It’s a cliche, but literally cleared my mind up (deep sigh). . . Thanks be to God! You’re my everything! Chapter IV Insights Gained From Mrs. Thompson and Teddy: Relevance to My Growth as a Teacher and as a Person Today, teaching for me is perceived as art with passion. It has its intricacies that a truly devoted and passionate individual can only see. It is mastered so as to get the best out of the worst from the learner. It is not merely an act of inculcating ideas to young learners that may turn these young individuals to become mere copycats of the indoctrinator. Asking thought provoking questions elicits active and creative reasoning. Teaching is not telling the individual the what’s, the why’s, and the how’s of life. Teaching is just giving the learner facts that will guide him to find the answers for himself. â€Å"Teach with passion,† this I heard several times from a former teacher. Love to teach. Be passionate. Let the child feels you are a part of the process. With your guidance he will discover the facts of life. Be enthusiastic in teaching no matter how insignificant the topic may be. Passion and love for teaching make one an effective teacher. No amount of master’s degrees can equal a committed teacher who has loved to teach and has mastered the art of teaching. It is not in the amount of accolades or recognition a teacher received that define success. It is through the eyes of these young minds that benefited from your guidance. A tyrant teacher is remembered indifferently but a good teacher is admired forever. We pass this life only once. Leave an impact so others may continue the work started like what Mrs. Thompson did! Chapter V My Philosophy in Life My philosophy in life is simple: Life itself is a philosophy. Never take it easy. *** End â€Å"It is hard to fill a cup which is already full. † â€Å"A little learning is a dangerous thing: -Mother of Neyteri, Avatar- Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. † -Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Madam Cj Walker Essay

Madame C.J. Walker was America’s first self-made female millionaire. She amassed her fortune through hard work, innovative ideas, and a fierce dedication to her craft and her people. Contrary to most historical accounts, Madame C.J. Walker did not invent the pressing comb. Per her own words, Madame Walker started the â€Å"hair-growing† business, borne out her desire to remedy her own hair loss. In 1910 Madame C.J. Walker moved her ever expanding â€Å"Special Correspondence Course† business, founded on her System of Beauty Culture, to Indianapolis. There she purchased and paid for her home adjoining which was a factory and laboratory. On September 2, 1911 she petitioned the Indiana Secretary of State to become incorporated and on September 19th, 1911, said petition was granted, marking the genesis of the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana, Inc. wherein Madame Walker was the President and sole shareholder of all 1,000 shares of stock. She was also an early civil rights advocate on behalf of Black people, and an avid financial supporter of what today we call HBCU†s or Historically Black Colleges and Universities. By the time of her passing in 1919, Madame C.J. Walker had built one of the largest black owned manufacturing companies in the world, an international network of over 15,000 Madame Walker agents, beauty schools in three states, and a 32 room mansion at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New York. Madame’s only child, A’Lelia Walker became President of the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana upon her mother’s passing. Per Madame’s will, two-thirds of the stock of the Company was placed in a Trust, over which were five Trustees. The other one-third of the stock of the company was bequeathed to her only child. When A’Lelia died, the one-third share of stock she owned was â€Å"split† between two people, each receiving onesixth share. The majority two-thirds remained in the Trust. Over six decades later, in 1985, the Trustees petitioned the Marion County Probate court to allow them to sell the stock and assets of Madame Walker’s company, including inventory and historical documents, to a man named Raymond Randolph. The owners of the remaining shares of stock also agreed to sell their shares to Raymond Randolph. Thus, on December 20th, 1985, Raymond L. Randolph became the first person since Madame C.J. Walker herself to own all 1000 shares of stock in the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company of Indiana, aka the Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company.

Ability to learn is affected by the classroom environment

The schoolroom environment is the ambiance and scene of the room that pupils learn within. It includes a broad scope of educational constructs that include both the physical and psychological environment. These constructs consist of both societal context and instructional constituents related to teacher features and schoolroom scene ( Konza, Grainger & A ; Bradshaw, 2001 ) . â€Å" The physical environment of a schoolroom explains a batch about the outlooks of a instructor towards their pupils † ( Konza, Grainger & A ; Bradshaw, 2001 ) . Before a pupil begins larning efficaciously they must be provided with a safe, positive and supportive learning civilization. In return will cut down struggle and enhance acquisition capablenesss. A pupil ‘s instruction is affected by the undermentioned constructs of the schoolroom environment: pick of coloring material, type of lighting, noise degree, room temperature, category size and ornament. A classrooms pick of coloring material impacts extremely on pupils larning. Certain colorss used on the walls of the schoolroom create both good and bad tempers ; impacting pupil larning. Mood is a pertinent facet of larning within a schoolroom. A pupil who is in a good temper and environment by others in a good temper will seek to larn and take in more from their lessons. Where as a pupil who is in a bad temper and surrounded by others in a bad temper will be loath to larn and seek distraction. Konza, Grainger & A ; Bradshaw ‘s, ( 2001 ) research proves the colors orange, yellow, green, and light blue used in schoolrooms create a cheerful, sociable environment with minimum ill will and annoyance. In return allow for pupils to increase the consumption of information and apprehension for larning. Opposed to the dull, white, brown and black colorss used in a schoolroom that creates a non- stimulating nor productive environment. Hence colour itself is a critical portion in promoti ng comfy and effectual acquisition. Consequently the pick of coloring material when utilizing in a schoolroom puting demands to be addressed as it impacts extremely on a pupil ‘s temper and in return affects their learning abilities. Sound is another construct that impacts on a pupil larning. On a day-to-day footing the schoolroom encounters many sums and different types of noise and can run from: schoolroom treatments, background noise, conversations and music. Nevertheless Marsh ( 2008 ) states that â€Å" sounds are all around us, nevertheless when sounds are unwanted they are redeemed as noise † . In order to larn pupils are subjected to conversations throughout their twenty-four hours, if non by the instructor, but themselves and other equals. The degree of variable noise will change depending on scenes such as the difference between libraries to art categories. Every schoolroom has background noise such as fans, airing, treatments and conversations which is step in dBs as BNL ( Background noise degrees ) . Marsh ( 2008 ) . A instructor can pass on clearly in a quiet voice when the BNL rises to 35dB, supplying a safe and comfy ambiance. A normal voice will transport good over a BNL of 40dB where larni ng takes its extremum as information and instructions can be delivered and heard clearly. Opposed to anything over 45dB or 50 dubnium where a instructor or pupil must talk really aloud which in return can do distraction, annoyance, emphasis and weariness ( Marsh, 2008 ) . Due to the fortunes of being subjected to a assortment of different degrees of noise within a schoolroom, pupils can change between efficient acquisition and aside. This clearly outlines the importance of noise degree in the schoolroom and its effects on instruction. There is much research grounds based on the effects of category size that is redeemed to be contradictory, whether it impacts on pupils accomplishments or non. However there are many survey ‘s that do place the significance of category size and its impact on pupil larning. Such as, Larkin, ( 2004 ) who states â€Å" that by cut downing category size, particularly for the younger kids, will hold a positive consequence on pupil accomplishment † . In making so will construct better instructor pupil relationships which will break their attitude towards larning and better their instruction. The province authorities had taken action to cut down category sizes for illustration New South Wales had aimed to hold category sizes changing from 20 to 24 pupils in the first three old ages of schooling for all province schools by 2007.Marsh ( 2008 ) . The pupils within these schoolrooms will hold the chance to derive more of the instructor ‘s clip, attending and instruction. Leti ng for more one- on- one instruction to take topographic point in the schoolroom and clip and attending for inquiries and replies that will heighten pupil cognition and better their instruction. Rather than, the pupils being subjected to big category size where the instructor struggles to run into the demands of all his or her pupils. In return go forthing the pupils troubled, unconfident and discerning towards their instructor, schooling and in peculiar instruction itself. Based on the synthesis of Course, Minus, & A ; Passing. ( 2008 ) that little categories in the early classs generate better environments for pupils and these are greater the longer the pupils are exposed to the smaller categories. Due to the consequence of pupil accomplishment displayed in the authorities ‘s actions to make smaller category sizes, it is now more of precedence within schools to move on the information and work towards smaller categories as it is turn outing to be successful. Based on authori ties consequences and theoreticians, the success of the passage to smaller categories is sketching the significance category size has on pupil acquisition. When measuring the schoolroom environment, temperature is a critical construct as it can impact pupil ‘s behavior and in return their ability to take on cognition. Marsh ( 2008 ) states that â€Å" Common sense would bespeak that there is a reasonably limited temperature scope in which school pupils might be expected to work at their best † . She explains that high temperatures can do some pupils to be cranky and uncomfortable and in utmost instances both unenrgetic and nauseating. Equally good as cold temperatures that may convey out aggression and negative behavior in some pupils within the schoolroom. The temperature of a schoolroom can be altered through the usage and execution of osculating ceiling fans, oil and gas fired warmers and air-conditioning. Marsh ( 2008 ) . It is the duty of the instructor to be cognizant of the possibilities of temperature emphasis if excessively high or low temperatures prevail and adjust their activities consequently. Temperature is a critical facet on the schoolroom environment. It can change how a pupil feels and in return their attitude to school and instruction. Therefore temperature has considerable impact on a pupil ‘s ability to larn comfortably and expeditiously. A pupil ‘s ability to larn is extremely affected by the constructs of the schoolroom environment. Students go to school to be educated and this instruction can be manipulated by many factors that exist within the schoolroom. Therefore changeless alteration and appraisal of schoolrooms is needed to guarantee that there is an addition of sufficient and effectual acquisition taking topographic point without distraction and hurt. By researching and admiting that the schoolroom environment has many constructs to it such as pick of coloring material, degree of noise, category size and temperature that all impact on how a pupil learns and their ability to larn. The school and instructors can work together to make a comfy acquisition environment to accommodate the acquisition demands of pupils.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Rigoberta Menchs Book Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rigoberta Menchs Book - Scholarship Essay Example I am 23 years old. I would like to give this testimony live that I have not learned from a book and neither have I learned alone yet that all this have I learned from my village. It cost me much to remember all the life that I have lived, so many times there are times very black and there are times that, yes, are enjoyable also but the most important is, I believe, that I want to emphasize that I am not the only one, so have lived many people and it is the life of all. The life of all the poor Guatemalans and I will try to give a bit of history. My personal situation includes all the reality of a village. In the first place, it still costs me much to speak Spanish since I didn't have university, I didn't have schooling. It has been three years since I learned Spanish and to speak it; it is difficult when it is learned only from memory and not learning in a book. In Guatemala there exist twenty-two indigenous ethnic groups. I belong to one of the ethnic groups that is the Quich ethnicity, I have my customs, indigenous Quich customs, but however I have lived very close to almost the major part of the other ethnicities during my organizing work with my village. I am from San Miguel/Uspantn, Quich Department. The Quich live in the northwest of the country. Precisely, my land is almost a paradise of all the beauty that is the nature in those places since there are not roads, there are not vehicles. Only people enter. VOCABULARY FOR COMPREHENSION Read the sentences and circle the synonym for the underlined word from the choices given. 1. The testimony given in court was very convincing. a. evidence b. report c. oral testification 2. No one knew that the village had been burned to the ground. a. city b. small town c. court 3. It was a black day when we had to have our dog euthanized. a. somber b. happy c. color 4. It was important that the judge know the girl's name. a. significant b. different c. okay 5. I can't emphasize enough the significance of those numbers. a. say b. underscore c. differentiate 6. The history of the world is captured in these two books. a. chatter b. background c. litany 7. The ethics of the situation call for drastic measures. a. moment b. times c. case 8. Her memory is excellent when it comes to facts. a. time b. recall c. note 9. These people exist on a diet that is barely 1,000 calories per day. a. subsist b. eat c. fluctuate 10. There are twenty-two indigenous ethnic groups in Guatemala. a. barbaric b. native c. vegetarian 11. Each ethnic group has unique characteristics which make it special. a. cultural b. people c. land 12. Examples of ethnicity include Lithuanian, Japanese, and Irish. a. pop stars b. a traditional cultural group c. variety 13. The customs of Guatemala are varied. a. traditions b. ways of doing things c. cans of soda pop 14. Rigoberta does organizing within

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operational planning - arts and events management Assignment

Operational planning - arts and events management - Assignment Example This organisation is a non profit organisation governed by a board of directors who represent key stakeholders who provide a significant amount of funding such as; the local authority, the Arts council, EU Social Development Fund, two national banks, and two charitable trusts who are concerned with groups of people that are socially excluded. These four key points will be discussed through a number of imperative sources such as the most recent government census 2001 that can be found over the internet as well as websites such as, and This will then help to compile a detailed plan of strategic objectives that will then be used by the 'Theatre Royal'. The various elements of operational planning have been discussed as part of the case study of Theatre Royal. It may be seen that the various aspects of operational planning have been tied together under the various headings as follows. Berkshire Sub-Region Context Map (refer to Appendix 1.0) shows Reading just to the west of the city of London. As you can see Reading is a prime location for any already existing or new organisations, as it has easy access to top motorways in the south west of England such as the M3 and M4 giving easy access to the M25. The location is also within 25 minutes drive from one of Europe's largest trading estates fuelling many new jobs in southern England in the town of Slough. Reading is a very multicultural town consisting mainly of Christians (62.63%) however there are many others from a number of religious backgrounds such as Muslims (4.0%), Hindu's(0.99%), and people who state themselves as having no religion (22.0%), (Refer to Appendix 1.1). The total population of Reading is 143,069 people and of these 129,900 people were born within Europe and 123,080 of these originated in the UK. The population sets in Reading consist of various ethnicities and age groups. Furthermore there are 6,196 people from Asia and 3,632 people from Africa. There are also small minority groups within the Reading area as only 5 people are from Western Europe (Luxembourg), 11 from Western Africa in Congo and 17 people from Oceania (for further statistics refer to Appendix 1.2). This

Saturday, July 27, 2019

James Joyce's The Dead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

James Joyce's The Dead - Essay Example n in the following lines: â€Å"A light fringe of snow lay like a cape on the shoulders of his overcoat and like toecaps on the toes of his goloshes; and, as the buttons of his overcoat slipped with a squeaking noise through the snow- stiffened frieze, a cold fragrant air from out-of-doors escaped from crevices and folds†. There are other common allusions to the near freezing Dublin weather in which the story is set. The instance when Gretta Conroy, Gabriel’s wife caught cold infection is again a literal citing of the word â€Å"cold†. The sole occasion when â€Å"cold† was used in the metaphorical sense is when Gabriel replies unenthusiastically to Gretta that â€Å"You can go if you like, said Gabriel coldly†. Talking of the dark aspects of the story, in the context of Gabriel’s address to the gathering, he mentions how â€Å"our path through life is strewn with many sad memories† and continues in a morbid tone, how â€Å"were we to brood upon them always we could not find the heart to go on bravely with our work among the living" and further in the narrative he says â€Å"His soul had approached that region where dwelt the vast hosts of the dead†. This poignant remembrance of his own past had shaken up his composure. Gabriel had now been overwhelmed by a sense of losing his love and the pain associated with it. Joyce depicts the state he is in with the following dark imagery: â€Å"into a grey impalpable world", "all the living and the dead". As for the â€Å"light† in The Dead, there are again two interpretations – one is light as in humor and frivolity the other is insight or revelation. There are plenty of instances of both cases. Phrases such as â€Å"laughing very heartily†, â€Å"There was a great deal of confusion and laughter and noise†, â€Å"The table burst into applause and laughter at this sally†, â€Å"She laughed herself this time good-humouredly†, etc represent the light-hearted elements in the narrative. Light as brightness can be seen in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation Essay

Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation - Essay Example ellow participant in an argument as â€Å"the other† or as something of an antagonist rather than an equal shareholder in the process and something that is quite actually neutral. Similarly, when dealing with a given situation, it is common for me to assume that the self-interested motives of others will be the sole determinant in helping to determine the way that the engagement plays out. Thirdly, rather than being able to see the situation in shades of nuance and shades of gray, or even shades of right or wrong, I am oftentimes tempted to view it from a perspective of fulfilling my own needs; regardless of whether it is able to do the same for the fellow shareholder. Although fulfilling my own needs within the given circumstance is not bad in and of itself, it is a selfish motive that helps to drive the integration apart. Fourthly, with regards to a polarizing situation regarding communication, it is often my weakness to seek to link to the speaker and the message. This is a n oversight due to the fact that it assumes that these two are necessarily the same (Medvec 389). Moreover, a better approach would be to seek to focus upon the message without polarizing it and seeking to have it intimately related to the original speaker or his/her own vantage point. Lastly, and perhaps most specifically, I oftentimes attempt to polarize situations into firmly determinant shades of good/bad/right/wrong etc. These levels of polarization serve to lessen my ability to analyze and draw inference from a number of situations; it ultimately weakens my skill in interpreting the world around me. As a function of these 5 polarizations that have been listed, the most effective way to engage them is to seek to lessen the effect that they play on my everyday life and as a means of understanding them, seek to work to overcome them. Furthermore, by approaching the above situations with an open mind and thoroughly focusing upon not developing preconceived perceptions of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The China Threat and US Security Research Paper

The China Threat and US Security - Research Paper Example The China threat to the United States has emerged as a result of the United States military support and cooperation to Taiwan and Japan. This sends a message of a stronger military coalition in the region that pose a threat to China, therefore giving room for the development and deployment of a stronger force by the communist republic of China combined with provocative and warning sentiments on the issue (Gertz, 2002, p.8) The China Threat to US security is evolved from the actions of the United States further to the initial 1999 attack of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and another military build-up along the Chinese border in cooperation with Japan (Gertz, 2002, p.1). The China Threat to US Security is substantial due to the various public statements and report in China that openly oppose the mono-polarity and hegemony of the US in terms of military and economy. Hence China has declared a limited war in the case of a military invasion from the US to support Taiwan (Gertz, 2002, p.9). China has called for its people to follow the thought of Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong while moving forward to achieve the goals of China. The Chinese government requires its people to follow the values of social modernization and socialist reform to open up new horizons of prosperity and development. The Chinese leadership appeals to its people to work towards economic globalization and political multi-polarity at the turn of the century. The word multi-polarity is intended to overcome the mono-polarity of the United States and its position as a superpower of the world. The unfriendliness of China towards the US is further clear from the various reports and statements published in the Chinese media (Gertz 2002 p.10).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

LAB8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LAB8 - Essay Example Take a walk of approximately one mile along a country road or walk at least 30 minutes in a city or town and record the trash that was improperly disposed of in the natural environment. (It’s a good way to get some extra exercise this week too). Use the same categories as in question #1 above, but be more specific (i.e., how many glass or metal cans, how many old tires, etc.) were found along your walk. Keep your eyes open for all sorts of waste, which could be defined as anything that is not natural in the environment. If you try to help the environment by picking up the refuse, please wear protective gloves. Recondition tires are retread tires; they are able to be repaired and can once again be used safely on a vehicle. Reprocessed tires are those tires that at are too damaged to be reconditioned or repaired are often reprocessed tires, can reappear and be repurposed for application as in asphalt and road ways. Firstly, coffee grounds can be added to compost when saved, they can purchase local fresh fruits and vegetables to serve at their cafà ©, they can use real cups, as opposed to paper or plastic, selling used and donated books is also a very helpful contribution that many coffee houses could make. Recycling the packaging and reusing shipping boxes can be both money saving and environmentally friendlier. Companies can also switch from traditional packing popcorn and switch to a new packing material that can be disintegrate with water when no longer needed, unlike Styrofoam. Motor Oil can be recycles and is very detrimental when simply dumped in the environment. CFCs, or Chlorofluorocarbons, found in cooling systems are environmentally damaging and should be collected. Finally, all of the cleaning solvents mechanics use to clean the working parts of vehicles, these should be collected. The Savemor’s reduce waste by maintaining household appliances and when they need replacing always invest in energy efficient

Supreme Courts Judgment in Grutter v Bollinger Case Research Paper

Supreme Courts Judgment in Grutter v Bollinger Case - Research Paper Example In 2003, the Supreme Court delivered a ruling on the case stating that the University of Michigan Law School narrowly tailored use of race in admission decisions was constitutional (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 208). During this case the Supreme Court cleared the air by concluding that having a student body with diverse culture and origin is a compelling state interest hence justifies the use of racial factor in the admission of students, effectively locking out Grutter from admission (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 210). Consequently, the judgment removed prolonged doubt that has existed within learning institutions, encouraging them to use racial factor in making admissions determinations. I strongly agree with the Supreme Court’s decision in promoting racial interactions as well as considerations of the minorities through affirmative action. Even though many scholars such as Richard Sander have greatly proposed the affirmative action on basis that it hurts instead of helping, the truth is that many stakeholders have significantly benefitted from the same (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 209). Affirmative action is a constitutional concept that needs to be upheld with all dignity and integrity. In this regard, the University of Michigan’s Law School admission policy was able to pass the test of scrutiny since strict scrutiny has been considered for a long time as a relevant review standard especially in scenarios where the Constitution faces racial challenges (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 155). Various virtues of diversity within learning institutions were provided by the Supreme Court while delivering its judgment, which explains reasons for enhancing racial diversity through the development of policies that promote affirmative action (Walker, Spohn, & Delon 208).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human resource development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human resource development - Essay Example The company employs about 50,000 personnel, in 34 countries and worldwide branded returns in 2011 were approximately ?13bn ($21bn). All the success of Virgin Group can be attributed to Richard Branson effective leadership. Branson dropped out of school at the age of 16 and yet he has managed to build a business empire through his ability to influence his employees towards achievement of his vision and the set goals. Some of the quality leadership traits of Richard Branson are extravert; he is charismatic, loves being around people and fun. Secondly, he respects people and as a result provides great value to the people who work under him. Thirdly, time management; he has managed to build many companies in a short-duration of time- there are always new projects undergoing in the company (Zacharo, 2001). Fourthly, delegation- Branson portrays willingness to step back and allow others to take on key positions in the company. Branson argues, â€Å"For as much as you need a strong persona lity to build a business from scratch, you must also understand the art of delegation. I have to be willing to step back now," he admits. "I have to be good at helping people run the individual businesses – it can’t just be me that sets the culture when we recruit people† (Crush, 2010, par. 4). Branson also encourages people to generate ideas and then he backs them up. He connects with employees across all levels and verticals. He has also build trust among the top management as he gives stakes and does not interfere. Branson is also a leader who always has a vision; he has more than 400 companies yet he is still looking out for more: he sees opportunities for growth everywhere. In spite of his prosperity, he has not let go his profit-making objectives and sometimes he appears to initiate new undertakings on a nearly daily basis (Dearlove, 2007). Lastly, Branson is a friendly and outgoing person, as portrayed in the book â€Å"Business the Richard Branson Wayâ⠂¬  by Des Dearlove (2007). He captivates the employees and public through the unexpected prospect of making the grey world sparkle with fun as well as excitement. He creates an exciting work culture in order to motivate and retain good people (Dearlove, 2007). Richard Branson is a great leader and his unique leadership style has been quite effective; he has shown that any person can get very far in life in spite of the type of background they have and the kind of history they have. He has many leadership abilities and an electric personality, which makes him one of the most influential and effective business leaders in the world. Training and Development for Increasing Branson Attributes Development of the right people- The Virgin Group has developed rapidly because of a clear focus on the development of the right people, using the right systems, the right organizational structure and motivating the groups’ new projects. Leaders should have a clear leadership strategy like Sir Richard Bryson in which the key to build business shrewdness is developing a work environment that enables the employees to use their ideas as well as let go of their pent-up frustration which can build when people have ideas but experience difficulties realizing them

Monday, July 22, 2019

Zenecas DTC Advertising of Nolvadex Essay Example for Free

Zenecas DTC Advertising of Nolvadex Essay Zeneca is largest pharmaceutical and agricultural/industrial chemical company in United States. In 1999 breast cancer was the most frequent diseases were found in American women, about 175,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed and about 43,500 women were died due to the breast cancer. According to the breast cancer prevention trial (BCPT), 45% reduction in breast cancer cases came through the use of Nolvadex. In November 1998 due to the new indications from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of Nolvadex, Zeneca had decided to start direct to consumer advertisement campaign for Nolvadex. Findings In finding report will find over all performance of Zenecas advertisement campaign. This report will also look at the ethical issues which were raised in the case study, issues which were raised by activist groups and recommendations for managing the activists protests. 1. 1-Uncertainties from medical o Lack of sufficient data form breast cancer preventing trial physicians were worried about the side effects of Nolvadex, because the women who have high risk of breast cancer who might die if they do not take drug but for healthy women Nolvadex were not suitable from their point of view. According to physicians past experiences, Nolvadex lowered the breast cancer risk in women age 35 or more but increase the risk of other diseases in healthy women like endometrial cancer and other minor side effects like blood clots in the legs and lungs, hot flashes flushing, irregular menstrual periods, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting and irritation of skin around the vagina. o Same studies like breast cancer preventing trial came from British and Italian studies which failed to show that tamoxifne was associated with a cancer risk reduction benefit They give assurance that women can both learn and control their risk, when, in fact, the risk model that is being promoted by Zeneca has been rightfully criticized by biostatisticians. The drug that Zeneca is promoting is one whose short tern benefits in healthy women are in question, and whose long term risks among healthy women are still unknown. o Some doctors were argued that side effect was too serious to prescribe for women who did not have breast cancer. They were asking to add more advisability of using the drug to lower the risk of breast cancer. These physicians wanted to wait for more data regarding Nolvadex and comparing trial of Nolvadex with Eli Lillys Evista which some believed that safer then Zenecas Nolvadex. 1. 2-Uncertainties from regulatory o According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) there were some problem with exact language that contained in the new labelling e. g. Zeneca wanted to use word Prevention for describing the Nolvadex but FDA was not agree because labelling was lack of enough data on what happened to the women in the study after five years of treatment FDA was disagreed with Zenecas ads. because they were lack of brief summary regarding the risk and other information about Nolvadex. They wanted to disclose those information in advertising campaign o Zeneca had made the video for unbranded advertisement which was included full information of breast cancer and about Nolvadex but FDA had argued that video was heavily branded and lack of fair balance between benefits and risks of Nolvadex o Zeneca was required to include a four-part disclaimer (including side effects) when ever the word Nolvadex comes in video FDAs Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication (DDMAC) reviewed the information material in advertising campaign and determine that they are false or misleading and lacking fair balance and they are full of product and in violation of the Act for the above reasons o Zeneca was failed to discuss the Gail Model Risk Assessment Tool in the print advertisement or brochure which damage the importance of an accurate risk assessment and side effects. Due to lack of mortality data FDA approved the Nolvadex for women at high risk of breast cancer but did not approved it for use as a breast cancer prevention agent and they refer Nolvadex as a risk reduction therapy 1. 3-Zenecas decisions on DTC campaign When Zeneca decided to do the DTC campaign for Nolvadex, they had done some research before advertising campaign but this research only focusing on womens thinking about breast cancer. They did not involve patients, physician, advocacy group and activist groups in ad campaign. Another draw back came from The Food and Drug Administrations regulation and guide lines which were keep changing during the development of direct to consumer advertising campaign. FDAs guide lines were influencing the Zenecas decisions on advertisement campaign. They were trying to follow FDAs regulations but other side they had ignored physicians and activist groups during the development of DTC advertisement campaign and later Zenecas campaign was concern by these independent groups. They had tried to make branded ad but due to the regulatory it was required full information regarding drug. They were feared that if they disclosed the information regarding drugs benefit and risk it would affect the advertisement effectiveness. Thats why they decided not do the branded advertisement. Zenecas unbranded advertisement was less concern by regulatory in terms of disclosing drugs information but more concern by activist groups because of incomplete information. Also assumptions in advertisement were not appropriately taken into consideration e. g. women care their body shape more then health or you can only get breast cancer if you have family history which were concerned by regulatory and activist groups. In brief Zeneca had taken inappropriate decision regarding DTC advertisement campaign. They did not involved patients, physicians, distributors and advocacy groups before developing DTC campaign. They had followed the rules and regulations of FDA but failed to take physicians, patients and activist groups in confidence.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Romeo And Juliet Scene Comparison

Romeo And Juliet Scene Comparison The renowned William Shakespeares play, Romeo and Juliet was directed into two movie versions; the traditional version of 1968 that was directed by Franco Zeffirelli and the modern version of 1996 that followed as directed by Baz Luhrman. Though both directors did their best in putting text into film, there were differences and similarities that cannot be ignored in this context. Most of them are as a result of technological innovations resulting from the difference in time of production and cultural setting of the times. In the comparison of the party scene on Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrman films, directors effects is a major factor in both films. Luhrman used exterior and interior effects to portray symbolism whereas, Zeffirelli used costumes. In terms of effects, Luhrman used explosions of fireworks, riotous color splashes, lighting and camera tricks such as the rolling storm among other outstanding visual styles. On the contrary, Zeffirelli used traditional music from the Elizabethan period, disjointed visuals and dialogue as well as music which interfere with other film effects. In a nut shell, though both directors employed the opera medium, Luhrman balanced text, music and visuals to make an operatic film; while Zeffirelli used music without integrating the text and the visuals. Zeffirelli uses counter culture to portray the intended message by Shakespeare whereas Luhrman uses the camera and the music ambience to achieve harmony. Symbolism is another directors strategy that is used to differentiate the two films. Luhrman used a fish tank as the meeting point for the protagonists in the film. This was because water emerges as a central thematic element in the film. On the other hand, Zeffirelli used drugs, violence and sex to portray the pop and the Hollywood culture in the film at its modest. Lastly under this section, soundtrack serves as another thread to differentiate the two films. In Luhrmans film, music follows the tempo of the scenes while Zeffirelli employs inter-textuality which lacks the desired lusture from the viewers. In the party scene also as shown by Luhrman, sadness is portrayed as opposed to Zeffirellis playful and happy mood in the same scene. In addition, the meeting of Romeo and Juliet in Zeffirellis version portrays light whereas; Luhrm ans scene shows the protagonists to have met in a dark bathroom. In the balcony scene, Luhrmans version shows the scene to occur on a light filled balcony though its at night. It also adds bizarre to its visuals that advocates for doubts on its accuracy and adherence to the original text written by Shakespeare. Further, the use of swords and chariots is replaced by guns and cars. Luhrman portrays the main character under the influence of drug and this is the mind that the viewer wears in order to fully participate in the film. In addition, the balcony scene is posed as the calmest scene in the film. To some extent, the characters are not well developed to portray the intended messages effectively like in the case of Romeo where he doesnt show tenderness to Juliet in some parts of this scene. Following this, the aspect of patriarchal power and how it is abused is also brought into this review. Further, outrageous costumes and riotous colors are used to show modernity, love and the youth. On the contrary, Zeffirellis film version shows the balcony scene in darkness but not in the balcony. This version is neutral and its faithful to the original texts of William Shakespeares work. The director restores its figurative language in film as well the original paraphernalia. By choosing average diction, the film can be understood by the majority. Though it has been accused of being dull and boring, it emits the original humor and observes soliloquy in character development just like Shakespeare did in his text. In most cases it portrays irony and ridicule though its not satirical. Through the selected characters of Romeo and Juliet, Zeffirelli perfectly portrays the innocence and naivety of love at teenage. Further, the manner in which Zeffirelli develops character relationships in the film is in a traditional setting. For instance, the protagonists play hide and seek game which is an old fashioned dating method. A look at Franco Zeffirellis film ascertains that, the balcony scene preserve William Shakespeares language, stylistic devices, costume and paraphernalia as they appear in the texts. Conclusively, both films are aligned towards the removal of the scene to portray the strong love and passion between Romeo and Juliet that could not be separated. They also ignore the fight between Romeo and Paris.

Networks Project Proposal Introduction

Networks Project Proposal Introduction Networks Project ProposalIntroduction: The home network has potential. It adds growth and knowledge. The home network is important to use and access internet connection easily in home wireless network. This network also provide many other benefits as well like as, sharing a file between your computers in your home network, sharing a media file, sharing a folders between your computers in your home wireless network.iStock This wireless network does not cost much and it has many benefits to provide to connect wireless and non wireless devices across the network. The current network is connected via cables so its wired network. A cable goes from study room to lounge and from bed room to main hall. Its not feasible to connect many devices together in home via cable network because its require cabling through out the home and many times just because of loose cabling you have to connection loss. To overcome this hurdles in home network and to connect additional devices easily to home network wireless networking is very beneficial, so I am approaching to upgrade this wired network to wireless network. So the vast benefit of wireless networking like as I can share my files and folders more easily with my laptop and desktop computers. I can access my pictures from desktop computer to mobile device via wireless home networking. To share a printer in your home network wireless networking is more feasible option to choose because, in wireless network we dont need to run a long cable from router to printer. We can adjust the printer anywhere in home and still it will be connected to your computer via wireless connection. Network up gradation provide the benefit of using more wireless clients easily. Rationale: Connecting computers together (or computer devices) has been a main concern since the beginning of the information age. In the beginning of the computer revolution computing relied heavily upon telecommunication technologies for sharing computing resources, mostly due to the cost and size of those resources. For years, computer networks were nothing more than dumb terminals connected to a supercomputer (mainframe) in another location. This was the beginning of the computer network as we know it today. This web curriculum is designed to assist students in their understanding of computer networks and to help them gain the necessary knowledge that will afford them the skills and abilities of designing and implementing their own personal computer network. Project Goals: Next-generation home networking environments will contain a variety of Internet-ready devices or embedded systems, which will result in increased complexity for the end user. New methods are therefore required to build autonomic networking infrastructures that enable auto-configuration and self-management of the networked elements. In future Internet-based home environments a variety of devices such as PCs, smart phones, networked appliances and embedded systems will be organized into infrastructures and will act together to form a new type of service provisioning platform. Todays typical home environments often contain a few of these Internet-ready devices; in the future there will be even more, including embedded systems like sensors and actuators that are also accessible via Internet technology (e.g. TCP/IP, HTTP, Web services etc). While on the one hand this gives users the freedom to access a rich variety of devices in the vicinity of their homes, on the other it increases the depth of knowledge required to understand what is happening in such a complex networking environment. Novel methods for autonomous networking as well as self-configuration, self-management, self-organization, self-protection and self-healing (self-x) of the networking elements can take responsibility for observing and controlling the home network without directly involving end users. Technology will revolutionize the tools that are used in the home of the near future. Embedded computing, sensing and actuation technologies-coupled with new infrastructure in the built environment itself-will combine to enable new opportunities to support the work of the home. The wireless home networking goal is to successfully connect wireless devices such as laptops, desktop computers, VoIP phone, wireless printer, and network storage drive and wifi cell phone. The other goal is to configure the wireless devices so they can share network folders and print wirelessly in home network and to successfully achieve that we need to install wireless router and cable modem in home wireless network. Resources: Cost: The cost to build network is illustrate bellow, Linksys wireless router Cable modem Wireless printer Virtual Lan Network storage drive (Netgear) Switch Router The cost for internet connection which is provided by ISP is not included in the proposed network cost. The devices which are used in home wireless network are under warranty by the manufacturer for 3years and the technical support is also provided. Research: Advantages Disadvantages of wireless network: Wireless network have advantages and disadvantages when compared with wired LANs. A WLAN will make it simple to add or move workstations and to install access points to provide connectivity in areas where it is difficult to lay cable. Temporary or semi permanent buildings that are in range of an access point can be wirelessly connected to a LAN to give these buildings connectivity. Where computer labs are used in schools, the computers (laptops) could be put on a mobile cart and wheeled from classroom to classroom, provided they are in range of access points. Wired network points would be needed for each of the access points. A WLAN has some specific advantages: It is easier to add or move workstations. It is easier to provide connectivity in areas where it is difficult to lay cable. Installation is fast and easy, and it can eliminate the need to pull cable through walls and ceilings. Access to the network can be from anywhere within range of an access point. Portable or semi permanent buildings can be connected using a WLAN. Although the initial investment required for WLAN hardware can be similar to the cost of wired LAN hardware, installation expenses can be significantly lower. When a facility is located on more than one site (such as on two sides of a road), a directional antenna can be used to avoid digging trenches under roads to connect the sites. In historic buildings where traditional cabling would compromise the faà §ade, a WLAN can avoid the need to drill holes in walls. Long-term cost benefits can be found in dynamic environments requiring frequent moves and changes. Wireless network also have some disadvantages: As the number of computers using the network increases, the data transfer rate to each computer will decrease accordingly. As standards change, it may be necessary to replace wireless cards and/or access points. Lower wireless bandwidth means some applications such as video streaming will be more effective on a wired LAN. Security is more difficult to guarantee and requires configuration. Devices will only operate at a limited distance from an access point, with the distance determined by the standard used and buildings and other obstacles between the access point and the user. Methodology: Solution: find-ip-address To overcome the technical issues take necessary steps to build wireless home network. To solve the wireless range problem with the 802.11b/g, in this network 802.11n wireless standard is chosen. So it will provide wide range of wireless network and it will be enough for small to medium size home. The wireless security is configured so the home wireless network can be protected. To protect wireless security WPA2 personal security encryption is configured and MAC address allocation is also configured so the wireless router will not provide access to any other device and the home wireless clients devices will be secured. The firewall is also enabled on Linksys wireless router so it will provide security from outside. From outside no one can hack your home network and harm the computer systems. The ultimate in wireless security measures, shutting down your network will most certainly prevent outside hackers from breaking in! While impractical to turn off and on the devices frequently, at least consider doing so during travel or extended periods offline. Computer disk drives have been known to suffer from power cycle wear-and-tear, but this is a secondary concern for broadband modems and routers. Summary: To build wireless home network, using this simple three-step approach: 1. Identify the WLAN design thats best for your situation 2. Choose good wireless gear 3. Install gear and test the configured WLAN Wireless offers tangible benefits over traditional wired networking. Each computer you wish to connect to a WLAN must possess a wireless network adapter. Wireless adapters are sometimes also called NICs, short for Network Interface Cards. Wireless adapters for desktop computers are often small PCI cards or sometimes card-like USB adapters. Try to install your wireless router in a central location within the home. The way Wi-Fi networking works, computers closer to the router (generally in the same room or in line of sight) realize better network speed than computers further away. In densely populated areas, its not uncommon for wireless signals from one persons home network to penetrate a neighboring home and interfere with their WLAN. This happens when both households set conflicting communication channels. Fortunately, when configuring an 802.11n router, you can change the channel number employed. For example, you may choose any WLAN channel number between 1 and 11. If you encounter interference from neighbors, you should coordinate channel settings with them. Simply using different channel numbers wont always solve the problem. However, if both parties use a different one of the channel numbers 1, 6 or 11 that will guarantee elimination of cross-WLAN interference. Wireless LANs suffer a few more reliability problems than wired LANs, though perhaps not enough to be a significant concern. 802.11n wireless signals are subject to interference from other home appliances including microwave ovens, cordless telephones, and garage door openers. With careful installation, the likelihood of interference can be minimized. Wireless networking products, particularly those that implement 802.11n are comparatively new. As with any new technology, expect it will take time for these products to mature. Wireless LANs using 802.11n support a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 300 Mbps. Furthermore, Wi-Fi performance is distance sensitive, meaning that maximum performance will degrade on computers farther away from the access point or other communication endpoint. As more wireless devices utilize the WLAN more heavily, performance degrades even further. Overall, the performance of 802.11n is sufficient for home Internet connection sharing and file sharing, but generally not sufficient for home LAN gaming.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sex Education in Schools: Abstinence-Only Programs Essay -- argumentati

Sex Education in Schools: Abstinence-Only Programs Teenage sexual activity is a major problem confronting the nation and has led to a rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and teenage pregnancy. The existence of HIV/AIDS has given a sense of urgency to the topic of sex education. The issue of sex education in schools especially in the formative years has been a subject of intense debate among parents, school officials, health scientists and religious authorities worldwide for a considerable period of time. The debate centers on comprehensive sex education versus abstinence-only sex education in school. Abstinence only sex education is a sex education model that focuses on the virtue of abstinence from sexual activities; therefore, encouraging sexual abstinence until marriage. This form of sexual education completely ignores all other elements of comprehensive sexual education like safe sex and reproductive health education issues like the use of contraceptives and birth control methods. Comprehensive sex tea ching encourages promiscuous sexual activity as â€Å"a natural part of life.† Proponents of abstinence only education activists cite several reasons why this type of education is the best. It focuses on the upholding of moral virtues. They also claim that sex outside marriage hat is â€Å"encouraged† by the comprehensive sex education which as a result, has some emotional and physical downfall especially when done at a very young age. They blame the comprehensive sex education for failing to discourage premarital sex especially at this time when the HIV pandemic is busy devouring young people in various parts of the world (Deborah 2). In fairness, both programs were designed to decrease the incidence of STDs... ...u, Denmark, Durban: Macmillan, 2004. Print. Miller, Becky. â€Å"Sex Education: Why Teach Abstinence Only?† Opinion and Editorial, AC, 21 June 2006. Web. 29 Nov 2009. Roger, J. R. Sexuality education: what adolescents' rights require. North Carolina: Levesque. 2003. Print. Robert T. al. Sexuality in America: understanding our sexual values and behavior.‎ New York: Willey, 1999. Print. The Abstinence Clearinghouse. â€Å"Most parents Advocate Abstinence Education for Their Children.† At Issue: Sex Education. Ed. Kristen Bailey. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Baltimore County Public Library. Web. 11 Nov 2009 Zanis, D. A. â€Å"Use of sexual abstinence only curriculum with sexually active youths.† Children & Schools 27.1 (2005): 59-63. Print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lesson Plans for Educators :: Teaching Technology Internet Essays

Lesson Plans for Educators I will be graduating with a Liberal Studies Major. I will hopefully be teaching in September but I have a dilemma, I am afraid of not having enough lessons to get me started. My other fear is not having fun lessons to teach. I work at an Elementary school now and there is a teacher that I work with that doesn't know the meaning of fun activities that can provide great knowledge from them. I will never forget my favorite teacher, Mr. Protho. He loved making our class a fun and exciting place to be. We would do Shakespeare plays throughout the year. He could take any subject and make it fun. Still to this day I call and ask him for advice when making lesson plans for school. There are many resources where one who is becoming a teacher can find. There are books, magazines, in-services, seminars, other people and of course the Internet. The Internet is something that I was quite afraid of because of the fact that it was foreign to me. New territory is something that frightens me. I have used the Internet for reasons such as research for papers but not for pleasure. I have heard a lot of controversy about the Internet and how people pretend they are someone else and fool children and other people whom they are chatting with. For this reason, I am quite hesitant to try talking to people in the chat rooms. I am hoping that the Internet can provide me with lesson plans and other activities that I can use in the classroom. Trying to connect to Netscape from home was very difficult. I had many problems connecting and no one to ask. I gave up and ran to school to use the computers there. The computer finally worked at CSUN. I used the engine server named Yahoo. I typed "educational lesson plans". It gave me 33 files. I began searching them to find the one with the most lessons to choose from. The first couple of them were not very helpful. I began to think that this is not going to be easy topic and maybe I should switch topics. But I told myself be patient and continue looking. I finally decided to go around the topic and just type "LAUSD" which gave me the web site. I entered the web site and found a lot of information about the LAUSD system but no lesson plans.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Definition of Terms Essay

AMR- Ambulatory Medical Record- An ambulatory medical record (AMR) is an electronically stored file of a patient’s outpatient medical records, which includes all surgeries and care that do not involve being admitted to a hospital. The importance of AMR’s is that they only apply to outpatient medical records. Outpatients procedures or services are performed so frequently that at times it can be tedious to keep track of them. These records allow a physician to review a patient’s COMPLETE medical history. CMR- Computerized Medical Record- Computerized medical records are the digital counterparts to patient medical records kept in paper files and folders in health care offices. The importance of CMR’s is they allow for less paper storage or use. A patient’s medical records can be an extensive file. The longer the file gets the harder it is to keep up with it. Keeping a computerized copy of what is on paper in a patient’s medical record is more than convenient, it is a more efficient method of documentation. CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), previously known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), is a federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and health insurance portability standards. CMS is an important entity to US healthcare, without it, the medical coverage for  children whose parents do not have the luxury of commercial coverage and the elderly who have reached the age of retirement would not have health benefits. Medicare and Medicaid do not only supply benefits to children and the elderly but there are those citizens who are considered disable in some way, shape, fashion or form. CMS-1500 – A universal claims billing form used by physicians and other healthcare practitioners to bill payers for professional services. The CMS 1500 form assists physicians especially in receiving reimbursement for the services provided. The development of a form for physicians eliminates confusion for insurance companies when processing claims. The companies need not worry about whether the charges were submitted by a physician or facility, which makes for easier and more efficient processing. CPT – Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a code set that is used to report medical procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations. CPT is used in conjunction with ICD-8-CM or ICD-10-CM numerical diagnostic coding during the electronic medical billing process. From a billing standpoint, a world without CPT codes is almost like a world without people. The genius idea to use a universal language of numbers to determine services an individual had performed alleviates chaos. CPT codes also give a shorter description of the services rendered. Some procedures are so extensive, all the information appearing on a claims form can cause confusion. By giving these procedures a 5 digit number which can be researched for a description creates efficiency. DRG – Diagnosis Related Group – any of the payment categories that are used to classify patients, especially Medicare patients, for the purpose of reimbursing hospitals for each case in a given category with a fixed fee regardless of the actual costs incurred DRG’s prohibit a facility from receiving an outrageous reimbursement for specific provided services. The categorization of patient cases into specific groups which allows for a set cost or billed amount places a cap on reimbursement to that facility for that case/patient. EPR – Electronic Patient (Health) Record (EHR) -an evolving concept defined as a systematic collection of electronic health information about individual  patients or populations. Monitoring a patients’ health information in an electronic manner is a win/win for all involved. It allows the patient faster access to their records and the physician or hospital a faster method for reviewing or receiving those same records. The EPR has evolved into the EHR. The development of tracking patient health information in an electronic monitor has produced a more effective, accurate method for organizing something as lengthy as a person’s health history. HL7 – Health Level Seven (HL7) – a non-profit organization involved in the development of international healthcare informatics interoperability standards. HL7 and its members provide a framework (and related standards) for the exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information. The 2.x versions of the standards, which support clinical practice and the management, delivery, and evaluation of health services, are the most commonly used in the world. The development of this organization is the foundation for the ability to transfer and track health information safely and without violation of a person’s personal information. Without HL7, the above mentioned term (EPR) would not exist. This organization’s importance is beyond measure in terms of convenience involved in the healthcare field. The standards set forth are a necessity in order for health information to be exchanged or shared, they provide peace of mind to the patients and physicians. ICD-9 – International Classification of Disease, 9th edition – A standardized classification of disease, injuries, and causes of death, by etiology and anatomic localization and codified into a 5-digit number, which allows clinicians, statisticians, politicians, health planners and others to speak a common language, both US and internationally. A 3 to 5-digit number code describing a diagnosis or medical procedure. The International Classification of Disease 9th edition is as important to billing as CPT codes. The universal language for identifying a patients diagnosis assists not only for purposes in billing but for physician and hospital communication with insurance companies. Physicians attend school to learn and become familiar with the formal name for specific diseases, injuries and other medical conditions. On the other hand, insurance companies may not be as familiar or educated as to  the formal names for these medical conditions, which is where ICD-9’s come into play. They allow for easier and more understanding within the communication aspect of physician to insurance or facility to insurance company. UB-92 – Uniform/Universal Billing form 92 Managed care The official HCFA/CMS form used by hospitals and health care centers when submitting bills to Medicare and 3rd-party payors for reimbursement for health services provided to Pts covered. UB-92 billing forms have since been replaced with UB-04 billing forms. Needless to say, a universal billing form creates an efficient, more precise method of billing for hospitals. Once again it eliminates the time that would be consumed by insurance companies attempting to determine if a claim is for a facility or physician. Eliminating this step assists in jump starting the processing of reimbursement to a facility for rendered services.

Organizational Impact Essay

Innovation, design, and creativity are important part of either giving medication that strives to be a market leader within a given industry. Organizations typically belong to maven sector of industry, either good or manufacturer. A company from each sector, Nissan Motors for manufacturing and Verizon piano tuner for process are the arrangements chosen for evaluation. Nissan Nissan Motors has proven to be a leader in the auto liquid industry in knowledgeableness.When the monetary value of muff increased signifi atomic number 50tly in 2006, Nissan channeld their strategy to include the electric political machine. With the Toyota Prius already on hand(predicate), Nissan wanted to be the inaugural with a 100% electric elevator car. Recognizing a unexampledborn market never comes easy for any organization and the blow to the organization can be pregnant, Nissan took a big risk. Although Nissan began development an electric car in 1997, the uses for this type of car were not for the public. Initially political relation agencies and businesses used these cars as fleet cars.With catch at for alternative fuel sources and public interest, Nissan refocused faculty back into the electric car it had earlier developed, the Nissan Versa in 2009, renaming the car Nissan undulate in 2010 (Nissan Motor Company, n. d. ). Nissan showed its innovation and creativity with the presentment of the first environmentally friendly car that requires no gasoline. The designers for Nissan gave the vehicle a go through that is attractive to the buyer and pass on place the stage for how electric cars will look in coming age as these types of vehicles continue to be the new motility (Nissan Motor Company, n.d. ). For the first two geezerhood after launching the first low-cost, spate market electric car, the Nissan Leaf struggled in sales. Nissan began an fast-growing(a) marketing strategy and creating strategic partnerships the Nissan Leaf finally reached gr owth stage. With the organizations aggressive marketing push, advertisements gave consumers bear messages on how environmentally friendly this new type of vehicle is, how it saves money on the purchase of gas, and that the price tag contributes it affordable to most car buyers.In the end, the impact on the strategy of Nissan was minimal opposite than overcoming the American car buyers love for the gas powered engine. Nissan believes in turning what ifs into what is, and with the Nissan Leaf they have brought the innovation of the electric car to reality. Verizon radio receiver Verizon wireless formed in 2000 with the merger of Bell Atlantic and GTE (Verizon bodily History, 2013). Once complete, the merger created the nations largest wireless cellular telephone phone service company. In 1992 there was the introduction of the first smart phone.This phone called Simon was capable of frequently more than making phone calls exclusively there was no network available that was capab le of handling the data it could send. This innovation laid the ground work for Verizons 4G LTE network. Over the next two decades, mobile network applied science grew and in 2010 Verizon wireless revolutionized lives throughout the United States with LTE engineering science. Today, Verizon is the largest, most safe 4G LTE network (Verizon Corporate History, 2013). The organization delivers the most advanced wireless technology available. by dint of innovation, Verizon Wireless 4G LTE can provide service in the fields of transportation, health care, minor businesses, and education. With the advanced technology Verizon Wireless provides its customers, track vendors can make payment legal proceeding and EMS personnel can improve on response times and patient care. Verizon Wireless is no longer just a cell phone provider. However, the innovation of this technology over the years has forced Verizon to change its strategy several times to hold on the best in the industry.The impa ct on Verizons strategy was a $66 billion dollar investment in their technology and infrastructure (Verizon Corporate History, 2013). Although the policies of Verizon did not change, the marketing of what services they could provide had to. death Innovation, design, and creativity impact organizations in disparate ways. For the Nissan Company the impact was minimal because the organization already had a design, prototype, and the infrastructure to make the product. This product affected the marketing strategy the most because the vehicle necessary aggressive measures to get the car selling.As technology continues to evolve rapidly there will still be some changes make to the electric car in the years to come. The impact on Verizon was more significant because the organizations technology infallible further development to accommodate manufacturers of cell phones such as the Apple I-phone and the Android. Verizon needed innovation, design, and creativity to develop not altogether the technology but also the service plans as well. In todays business environment, organizations, whether they are manufacturers or service-based must(prenominal) be ready to change strategies and mensurate the impact on the organizations business constantly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ambiguity in Translation Essay

Abstract This paper deals with supplanting equivocalness and target lexical ambiguity problems together. many an some other(prenominal) a(prenominal) Words start more than iodine variant across phraseologys. Such variation forked pronounces argon primarily translated more slowly and less accurately than their app atomic number 18nt counter part.Addition eithery, at that stern atomic number 18 fourfold commencement of deracination ambiguity including at bottom run-in semantic ambiguity and woo synonymousness, the present study examines the extent to which word context and description dominance restrict the difficulties associated with version ambiguity , using the prime stemming from the 2 source , especially translation ambiguity derived from semantic ambiguity ( substance translation ambiguity) and translation ambiguity derived from near synonymy (synonym translation ambiguity). Translation unambiguous pairs were accepted more quickly and accurately than translation ambiguous pairs.In this paper I cast off de menaged qualitative and duodecimal methods of research to investigate And describe ambiguities in the text translation. Key words translation ambiguity polysemy problems ambiguous and unambiguous texts qualitative and denary semantic ambiguity . Introduction ambiguity is a distri thoive phenomenon in linguistic dialogue which occurs at all levels of linguistic Analysis. Out of context, words guide multiple adept and syntactic categories, requiring Listeners to finalize which importee and part of speech was intended. Morphemes may also be ambiguous protrude of context , as in English.phonological forms be often mapped to multiple unmistakable word meaning, as in the homoPh matchlessmes,( in addition , devil and to). Syllables atomic number 18 almost constantly ambiguous in isolation , meanIngs that they prat be interpreted as providing half(prenominal) information nearly the word The speaker u nit is intending to communicate. Syntactic and semantic ambiguity argon frequent plentiful to present a substantial challenge To natural lyric poem processing. The fact that that ambiguity occurs on so many linguistic levels suggests that a remote reachIng principle is needed to rationalize its origins and persistence.The existence of ambiguity Provides a annoyer for functionalist theories which attempt to explain properties of linguIstic systems in footing of communicative pressure . virtuoso might imagine that in better Communication system , phraseology would wholly disambiguate meaning. The communicative efficacy of vocabulary might be enhanced since at that place would be no danger of comprehenders falsely inferring the intended meaning confusion almost ( who is on get-go) could non occur. Indeed, the existence of ambiguity in language has been argued to show that the disclose Structures and properties of language have not evolved for designing of confabulatio n or Use.The natural approach has al ways been is language hygienic designed for determination, understood typically as expend for communication? I think that is a wrong unbelief. The use of language for communication might turn out to be a kind of epiphenomenon. If you want to work on sure that we never misunderstand one another , for that purpose language is not well designed , be gain you have much(prenominal) properties as ambiguity. If we want to have the keeping that the things that we usually would ex counterchangeable to say condescend out Short and simple , well , it probably does not have that properties. narrative of problem Translation is a thought-provoking activity and there argon fewer difficulties that appear during translation process. so each language describes the word in discordent way and has its own grammar structure , grammar rules and phrase structure variance . During this process the following are the most particular problems problems of am biguity these set forth from structural and lexical differences surrounded by languages and multiword units like idioms and collocations. Problems of grammar there are several constructions of grammar with rules that are poorly understood.Problems of language these includes idiom ground neologisms , slang difficult to Understand, respect to punctuation conventions and proper name of people, organization And places. Problems of source texts these are illegible text, spell incorrectly. It hobo easily be seen that language differ from one to another in foothold of many ways and Not notwithstanding in grammar subjects . for exemplar, small words are hard to translate and the Meanings of greenness words depends on context. Besides, some words, are untranslatable when one wishes to remain in the equivalent grammatical category that is why translators display case of with many problems.Another problem is that translators have a hard time to take aim the equivalent meanin g to the Other language. For example translation of belles-lettres, poems and songs are impossible To declaim their same meanings in another language. So these texts need to be familiar With two languages . Translation process is not merely to translate the words, but also to bewilder ones that rhymes as well. Keep in musical theme , lack of vocabulary acquaintance cause certain problems. for those reason Translators need and in-depth intimacy of two language to translate sophisticated texts and Avoid using dictionary that many times make this process truly(prenominal) boring.The last problem is that translators allow for clang complex grammar structures that they Must interpret correctly. Techniques to cudgel translation problems In this part of hold I have presented some techniques in brief to overcome the problems That could be reusable in translation , such as back translation , consultation and coaction with other people and pre testing or piloting such as inte r prospects. look for skepticism In case of translation ambiguity we are face with some critical questions and that most Important of them is the actually meaning of ambiguity that squeeze out be designed like below questions.What does language ambiguity mean? Something is ambiguous when it fanny be understood in two or more possible dispositions or Ways . If the ambiguity is in a single word it is called lexical ambiguity, in a declare or Clause, structural ambiguity. In the field of ambiguity we are face with two inter tie in questions 1 what is being denied? And 2 what would have been fade out? One answer equates ambiguity indoors the semantic, disposed(p) that equation ambiguity rouse be Overcome by resolve either the founding lack of clarity in the first represent or in the Second addressing and eliminating contestation comprise on the level of meaning.Review of literature We tend to think of language as a clear and literal vehicle for accurately communicating id eas. But, even when we use language literally , mis intellectuals arise and meanings supplanting . People can be by choice or unintentionally ambiguous. Nevertheless , when soulfulness uses a potentially ambiguous sentence or announceion, usually the intention was to express simply one meaning . As we know , most words can have denotations, apparent meaning , connotations and implied or hidden meaning . Also, we often use words in a fictionic way.even though figurative language is more often employ in poetry and fiction it is s coin bank precise common in ordinary speech. Ambiguity is a poetic vehicle. It is benignant constitution to try to find meaning inwardly an exchange . a text is over taken to us and in Return we give our interpretation . Our own associations give understanding of what is Presented to us . The characteristic of the late twentieth century, as well as of postmodernist Literature , is that certainties are continuously called into question and thus le gend becomes a suitable form for preparation. Allegory is a undefiled example of double discourse that avoids establishing a center within the text.Because in allegory the unity of the work is nominated by something that is not explicitly there. In contrast to symbols, which are generally taken to transcend the sign itself and express The universal truths, allegories metaphors divided the sign, exposing its arbitrariness. ( I used sign here in the sense of the direct intended meaning). Thus, the allegoric impulse in contemporary literature can be seen as a reflection of the Postmodern emphasis on the reader as co-producer, since it invites the reader s active Participation in fashioning meaning. parables are indeed highly enchant postmodern devices, because they are obvious fomite for ambiguity . A living metaphor always carries dual meanings, the literal or Sentence meaning and the conveyed or remark meaning. A metaphor induces comparison , but since grounds of similarity ar e no t always given, Metaphors serve to underscore the freedom of the reader as conflicting to the authority of The writer . historically, we can raze to Saussure as initiating the talk ofion related to the Arbitrariness of the sign as set forth in his course of general linguistics.The variety may Stay the same but the signified will shift in relation to context. In terms of change over time, Saussure states whatever the factors mixed in the change Whether they act in isolation or in cabal , they always result in a shift in the traffichip in the midst of the sign and the signification. Methodology Addressing qualitative and three-figure method appears to be rather ambiguous task, Especially when we consider our experience of work on the issue.On the one commit , we undergo fears that working on this case may damage one s Reputation as a scientist talk to the highest degree oneself may appear adverse and self-aggrandizing Unless one belongs to a cognizance studies d isciplines. Additionally, the messenger maybe Called to account for the pith. The message being that social sciences are inherently Structured by historical , local , social and personal characteristics of those involved in Them . anyway , we should not forget that quantitative approaches have been seen as more scientific and objective.discussion one problem with attempting to mark polar kinds of lexical and semantic ambiguity is that there is not definitive consensus among commentators of how these terms should be defined . semantic ambiguity has a fairly wide domain of linguistic concern . Palmer discusses ambiguity as an attribute of the discipline of semantics in general. semantic ambiguity in Palmer s manifestation would refer to potentially multiple meanings of the relations within language (sense) and relations between language and the world (reference) .In other words , it would refer to a copy or structure of meaning of a linguistic presentation , such as a sentence , a paragraph, a poem, a novel, a scene from a movie. the ambiguity is to be found in the sense relationships of the piece as a whole or in parts of a whole . it is difficult to discuss lexical and semantic ambiguity aside from pragmatics . Because so many commentaries bring in all three kinds in their discussions.For instance , Poesio refers to semantic ambiguity as having simply a multiplicity of Meanings , but link up it to the structure or grammar of a language in a way that assigns certificate of indebtedness for the ambiguity to the deliberate intent of the one who originates but Underspecified, what the language means or its rhetorical intent. tropes metaphor, metonym, allegory, homonym, homophone, homograph, paradox these are only a few of the language figures of ( tropes) providing concepts serviceable to understanding ambiguity in language. Metaphor This refers to the non-literal meaning of a word, a clause or sentence.Metaphors are very common in fact all uprise voc abulary is metaphorical. A metaphor compares things. A metaphor established by workout and convention becomes a symbol. Thus hint suggests the power of the state, press = the print news program media and chair = the control (or controller) of a meeting. metonym a word used in place of another word or formulation to convey the same meaning. (eg the use of font to refer to the military officer) allegory the expression by means of symbolic fancied figures and actions of truths or generalization about human existence. homonym when different words are pronounce , and possibly spelled the sameway. (eg to , too, two) homophone where the pronunciation is the same but standard spelling differs , as in flew (from fly), flu ( influenza) , and flue ( of a chimney). homograph when different words spelled identically, and possibly pronounce the same. (eg lead the metal and lead /what leading do). paradox the statement that is seemingly foreign or opposed to common sense and yet is perha ps true . a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true. an argument that apparently derives self-contradictory conclusions by valid deduction from acceptable premises. probative of researchThe significant of research about ambiguity is in clearing the documentary meaning of a word in Different situations . as I say before a word in English and any other language has many different meanings that its real meaning depends on the situation that those words are used . one word may have different meanings in summercater , medical , computer, science , military palm and so on . But translators should have much more information about the target and source language till choose the proper meaning for the used words and should be much experienced at this field and had much researches to be in perfect position of translation.decisiveness We have provided several kinds of evidence for the view that ambiguity results from a Pressure for expeditious communication . we argued that an y efficient communication system will necessarily be ambiguous when context is informative about meaning. The units of an efficient communication system will not redundantly specify information Provided by the context. these units will appear not to exclusively disambiguate meaning. wording can not exist without ambiguity , which has represented both a curse and a gracility through the ages. quarrel is a very complex phenomenon.Meanings that can be taken for granted are in detail only the tip of a commodious iceberg. Psychological , social and cultural events provide a moving ground on which those Meanings take root and expand their branches. The lapping meanings emerge from The tropes , ways of saying something by always saying something else. in this sense ambiguity in literature has a very dark side, when important documents are interpreted in different ways , resulting in persecution, oppression , and death . the meaning in each situation appears as an effect of the underl ying structure of signs. These signs themselves do not have a frozen(p) significance, the significance only exist in the individual .sign is only what is represents for soulfulness . Disambiguation is a key concept in computational linguistics. The paradox of how we tolerate semantic ambiguity and yet we seem to wave on it , is a major question for this discipline . at this time , there is no computer capable of storing enough knowledge to process what human knowledge has accumulated. It can be seen, there for that ambiguity in language is both a blessing and curse. references (1) Clare, Richard Fraser. (Historian) Informal conversations about historal consequences of different interpretations of the Bible (2) Engel, S. Morris.Fallacies & Pitfalls of Language from Fallacies & Pitfalls of Language The Language Trap. Ed Paperback Nov. 1994. (3) Fortier, Paul A. semantic Fields and Polysemy A arrangement analysis approach University of Manitoba. Paper. (4) Frath, Pierre Metaphor, p olysemy and usage Universite MarcBloch, Department danglais. France. (5) Freud, Sigmund El sentido antitetico de las palabras primitivas Obras Completas Ed. Biblioteca Nueva. (6) Fromkin, Victoria/Rodman, Robert. An introduction to language Ed. Harcourt. (7) Hobbs, Jerry R. Computers & Language SRI International, Menlo Park, CA.