Saturday, August 31, 2019

Affects of alcohol on teenagers

Review underage drinking is an increasing problem within the adolescent population. This leads to poor decision making, risk taking and behavioral problems as the brain is not fully developed. Underage drinking can also affect a person's social and emotional wellbeing. Popular Channel Ten television show, The Project (1), did a segment on teaching Australian youth how to P. A. R. T. Y safely. P. A. R. T. Y stands for Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma In Youth. According to the segment, It Is estimated that one Australian teenager dies everyday due to alcohol related causes while another sixty are hospitalized.The point of the segment is to promote the P. A. R. T. Y program to adolescences to prevent youth Injury and trauma. The program includes educating teenagers through films and also meeting survivors of road trauma that are now going through rehabilitation. The researcher chose this source as they were able to relate It to their Interview with a PHD/PEE teacher. Both the se gment and interview talk about programs or topics at school that give adolescents information on drugs and alcohol. By choosing this topic, the researcher was able to compare the P. A. R. T.Y Program with what adolescent students are taught in the Great Lakes Area. The segment also states that this years MIAMI Crash Index Study has found that in the past year, 56% of people admitted to testing while driving, 13% had driven drunk. 8% while on drugs and with too many people In the car. A website about. Com (2), did an article on teen drinking and behavior problems. The article says that according too new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMARA), adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 who use alcohol are more likely to result in behavioral problems.Underage drinking – even so-called light drinking – is dangerous, illegal, and must not be tolerated,† said SAMARA Administrator Melba Cave. The article says that adolescents who use alcohol are more likely to report behavioral problems, especially aggressive, delinquent and criminal behaviors such as fighting, stealing, driving under the Influence of alcohol and/or drugs, skipping school, feeling depressed and deliberately trying to hurt or kill themselves. Like ‘The Project' segment, the researcher was able to relate this article to the interview with the PHD/PEE as the interviewer asked a question about behavior.By using this article with statistics, the researcher Is able to compare the results from the interview with the statistics. This shows how the Great Lakes area compares to the rest of the adolescent country. With the underage drinking rates not significantly changing since 1 994, It Is clear that there Is a major problem. According to the article on about. Com, a new report, the â€Å"Patterns of Alcohol Use Among Adolescents and Associations with Emotional and Behavioral Problems† concludes that there Is big relationship between alc ohol use among youth and many emotional and behavioral problems.This is a problem as it affects the social and emotional wellbeing of the adolescent which has an impact on many things such as school work, social and family life and their mental state. The study also showed that drinkers are more likely to use illicit drugs then non drinkers. An article on drinkers. Org (3) did an article on underage drinking called â€Å"Kids and Alcohol don't years and more than quarter of our 14-19 year olds are putting themselves at risk of harm from underage drinking and binge drinking.The article also says that from the age 12 or thorough to the early twenties the brain is in a state of intense placement, molding and hardwiring in readiness for the challenges of adulthood. Fractionation is a process where the brain is growing and forming all the critical parts it needs for learning, memory, planning, emotional stability and thinking. During this critical phase of growth, fractionation tells us that alcohol disrupts the brains development. By drinking alcohol at a young age, you are risking that your brain may never reach its full capacity which means you may never reach your full potential.The researcher chose this source as the article then goes on to talk about hat you could do as a parent to help your teenager become a happy and healthy adult. The researcher can use this source, as well as the interview with the parent to put towards their research. These two sources would have similar results and would be good to compare with each other. The last source the researcher looked at was a literature review on the Juvenile Justice Bulletin (4). The review talks about the effects and consequences of underage drinking and how it can affect a youth's physical, emotional and neurological health. Like the article on drinkers. Erg, the review talks bout the brain development, stating that the brain doesn't fully develop until a person is around age 25. Underage drinking can ofte n impact on the neurological development causing youth to make irresponsible choices. The effect of alcohol can also have long term, negative effects on the brain such as those listed below: Alcohol affects the hippopotamus. The hippopotamus is a part of the brain that handles memory and learning. By abusing alcohol, the hippopotamus becomes smaller affecting the academic performance and memory of an individual. Such effects on the brain can sometimes be irreversible. Alcohol affects the amelioration process. Amelioration helps stabilize and speed brain processes. Disrupting the amelioration process can cause cognitive deficiencies. Continuing abuse of alcohol use and other drugs may keep adolescents from advancing to more complex stages of thinking and social interaction. Adolescents have unique social and emotional characteristics and undergo physical and cognitive changes that can affect their social and emotional development. Because of this, adolescents will often find themselv es in dangerous and risky situations when they are under the influence of alcohol which will often have negative outcomes.While adolescents are growing up, they struggle to find independence and try to create their own personal identity. Adolescents look to their peers for support, approval and belonging as they start to provide some of the same functions that a family did earlier. This can often lead to peer pressure, rebellion, experimentation and risk taking. Peer pressure is the influence from members of one's peer group. It often convinces adolescents to engage in activities to gain one another's approval and often results in alcohol use.Adolescents often try different social roles and identities to discover who they are such as using make up or alcohol use. Underage drinking has serious social consequences for adolescents and young adults. When adolescents are younger, they are more involved with their families. However, when they start to get older they start socializing more with their peers. In turn, their peers influence their values and them to start drinking. Frequent and heavy use of alcohol is often associated with low self esteem, depression, conduct disorders, antisocial behavior and anxiety.Again, this has a dramatic impact on the social and emotional wellbeing of an adolescent as some effects are irreversible. The researcher chose this source as it has a lot of points about the social and emotional wellbeing of adolescents and that is the research question for their Independent Research Project (RIP). Although the source has American statistics, the points about the effects of alcohol are universal. The source has a lot of information and is easy to relate to the questionnaires and interviews the researcher as already done as they all look at the same topics.Underage drinking is becoming very common in today's society and can often have tragic consequences. Many people view drinking alcohol as a fairly typical activity for youth and young adu lts and young people are finding it relatively easier to obtain alcoholic beverages. However, the abuse of alcohol can often result in negative consequences such as impaired decision making, poor coordination and engagement in risky behaviors. As the brain doesn't fully develop until around the age of 25 years old, alcohol abuse can damage the brain, body systems and organs, which are sometimes irreversible.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Sugar is a common name of substances that are white, soluble in water, fermentable and generally sweet, containing carbon, oxygen and hydrogen in its composition, extracted from the juice or starch of the roots and roots of many plants such as sugarcane, sugar beet, carrot, maize, date, grape, wheat, and potatoes. Sugar has various types such as sucrose, lactose, maltose, laevulose, fructose, glucose, and starch. Sucrose from sugar beet and sugar cane is the sugar that used in daily life. Aside from the sugar we take with fruits, vegetables and natural foods, added sugar is the main cause of many health problems. The main focuses of this article will be the damages sugar causes to our physical and mental health along with the why and how to quit sugar. Effects on Physical Health All forms of sugar such as corn syrup, honey, maple syrup affect the body somehow. The body cannot handle a very high amount of processed sugar. The basic organs are severely damaged by the consumption of this poor-quality sugar. Sugar alone is not a group of food itself. However, as expected, sugar is present in most foods by itself and does not contain any nutrients, proteins, fats and enzymes, and is the only empty calorie structure. There is no safe quantification of added sugar. Only natural sugar in fruits and vegetables is balanced with vitamins, fibers and enzymes, so the properties of fruits and vegetables slow down sugar digestion and help the body. However, added sugar does not provide any benefit. Sugar, the trigger of many chronic illnesses, is found in the abundance of packaged foods, all kinds of pastries and sweetened drinks. In particular, health problems that are caused by the loss of sugar are frequently encountered in people who are constantly consuming intensively since childhood. Among the damages of sugar, the disorder of blood sugar balance comes first. Sugar consumption which causes excessive secretion of the insulin hormone that makes blood sugar balance, causes the blood sugar to fall again due to such high insulin, which leads to many troubles. It is also known that this effect of sugar, which reduces the resistance of the body and makes all disease and disorders more open, is triggered by a long irreversible process. As the consumption of sugar increases, more fat accumulates in the tissues and these fat tissues, which gradually cover the internal organs, also prevent the functioning of the organs. As a result, there are serious consequences from heart and vascular diseases to fatty liver, cancer, obesity and dysfunction in the organs.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mcminn 4mat

Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Sondra Rule Liberty University Summary The author of this book Mark McMinn explains how psychology, theology, and spirituality can all be integrated into Christian counseling. He discusses the difference between the three overlapping principles. He wrote this book especially for Christian counselors, pastors, as well as students so that they may clearly understand the meaning of the three principles, allowing them to apply it to everyday problems.The main question this book poses to answer is, How does a Christian counselor integrate their faith into a counseling session in a way that can be beneficial to their clients. He discusses the problems that counselors and clients face in a counseling session and ways to improve them. Some of the ways he mentioned to improve counseling sessions were prayer, scripture, the effects of sin confession, forgiveness, and redemption. This book main purpose is to assist the counselor in integrating the three categories. He feels that if a counselor can master this, then they will be able to give their clients the very best services.The most important thing to realize is that this process will not be easy for the counselor or the client but, if done right it can be very rewarding for them both. The author starts the book by describing some of the challenges that Christian counselors encounter while trying to integrate psychology and spirituality. He explains how spirituality is different from psychology and theology by breaking it down into a simple statement, â€Å"We can become more or less competent in the spiritual disciplines, training ourselves to experience God more fully, but we can never be spiritually competent. (McMinn 2011, p. 11). He goes on to describe psychology, theology, and spirituality, how they are similar and different. His explanations are put in a way that is easy to understand, he also gives examples of how they can be applied to real life s ituations. He talks about the importance of scripture and how it can be very beneficial in a counseling session. However he does stress that clients can only be truly changed by scripture if they can carry it on outside their sessions, and make it apart of real life. Even hough it can be helpful to some it is not something that can be used with every client, it is up to the therapist to know what is best for every client. He also talks about the power of prayer. He discusses the different types of prayers and also the different situations in which each prayer is to be used. He also lets us know that prayer may not be for every client so it may not be the right technique to use in some those therapy sessions. McMinn (2011), goes on to discuss sin and the importance of looking at in with a theological perspective.If the counselor is able to get the client to really understand their sin, they can then get to a point of forgiveness. The therapist can help the client get in the best posi tion possible to accomplish forgiveness, but it is up to the client to actually forgive themselves for their sins. The author also discusses the subject of redemption and how it can be established in different therapy models; such as object relations, cognitive, and Adlerian. This was a interesting and informative book.This book was wrote to help Christians integrate spirituality into a counseling session, and to let counselors know that they can't just act one way in the office, they have to carry their spirituality outside their sessions. It is just as important for the client to know that the counselor is behaving the same way outside the office as they do when they are around. He also discussed how some counselors would like to help clients through the use of Christ, but they don't know how. The author shows how to help clients by using examples of everyday life situations.This book is a good way to help Christians add to their knowledge about Christ because their are times when we become stagnant in our growth with Christ. He includes practices for every Christian, the client, as well as the patients and the benefits for each one. McMinn 2011, lets us know that spirituality and psychology have to be used together in order for us to have a accurate sense of self, accurate awareness of need, and healing relationships. Concrete Responses After reading this book , I mostly thought about how I first integrated my faith with my personal relationships.I have been Christian for a couple of years now, but every person I get close to or friend I have are not all Christian. Therefore, I had to learn how to not let their habits influence me with what I do and say. I have friends that smoke, get drunk, curse, and many other things that I find not to be Christian behavior. These were once things that I also had taken part in, so continuing our friendship and letting go of bad habits was a struggle for me. Integrating my new life with my old life was changeling because I was always told that your are the company that you keep.I had to make sure I didn’t get myself into situations that could hurt me in the long run. I was set on continuing the friendship I had and remaining a Christian as well. I can remember the first time my faith was tested. It was around five months after I changed my life around. I was invited to go out to the movies and out to eat with a big group of friends. Being that it was only a dinner and a movie, I assumed it would be okay. The night started off really well, we went to see a really great movie and we all were having a good time.Following the movie, we went out o eat, everyone ordered alcohol to drink including myself. I do drink occasionally but it is never something heavy and never more than one small glass. After ordering our drinks and food, I began to feel pressured by them because they were getting drunk and they wanted me to get drunk as well. I told them that I am not the same person I use to be, I will n ot let the devil control my life. After eating they wanted to take the party to the next level and start smoking. When I realized what was about to happen, I decided to remove myself from the equation before something happens I will regret.That experience taught me that I can still have my friends but we can’t hangout as much as we use too. It may be challenging but integrating my faith with my personal life can be done just as well as psychology, theology, and spirituality can be integrated into counseling. Reflection This was a very well written book. It answers the question â€Å"How can a counselor integrate psychology, theology, and spirituality into their counseling sessions. The author discusses the importance of integrating spirituality into counseling, and steps to take in order to ensure its success.The author also stressed the value of prayer in and out a counseling session and how to introduce it as a part of the session to the client. This book brings up questio ns such as, How can psychology, theology, and spirituality truly be integrated into counseling sessions with non Christian counselors and Christian clients. If spirituality is what is best for the client, how does a non Christian counselor help them without recommending a more qualified counselor. there is also the question of not confronting the sin.It would always be more helpful for a sin to be confronted so that the client knows that what they are doing is wrong and they should then be counseled in moving on from this sin and taking the necessary steps to ensure that sin is excluded from their lives. Others than that, this book was a very positive book. Learning how to help others with prayer, scriptures, psychology, theology is very rewarding. Knowing the steps to take in order to ensure as successful counseling session is also something that this book discussed, which is very helpful for therapist. ActionAfter reading this book, and learning how to better integrate psychology, theology, and spirituality into counseling; it has been easier to help those in need such as a friend, family member, or client. NO when a person is in need of guidance or assistance with a problem, their will be a set of tools set aside that ensures they are helped in the best way possible. Encouraging the client to include spirituality into their counseling session can be tough at times, especially if they are not Christian but by using the tools taught in this book, it can be achieved.Changes concerning counseling and helping those in need of guidance has become a lot better. Before this book, integrating Christianity into counseling was a challenge. However through gaining a better understanding of psychology, theology, and spirituality, it was made clearer how to integrate the three into a counseling session that could be beneficial to every client if used correctly. This book shows how important it is to have a spiritual aspect in a counseling session.How it can be so helpful in helping a client if this is what they want. And how it can totally change a person’s life. Having a good relationship with God is all we need in order to make it day to day. Whatever problems we have can be brought to Jesus because he is the healer o all problems. Having a good counselor who can introduce or help grow you knowledge concerning Jesus is a good step in the right direction. Reference McMinn, M. R. (2011). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. Tyndale house Publishers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The social meaning of clothing and dress Research Paper - 1

The social meaning of clothing and dress - Research Paper Example Clothes are put on bodies which are sigs of Selfhood are defined as extensions of self meaning in the cultural aspect. In this case, the meaning of clothes includes different aspects namely moral, social, and aesthetic (Danesi, 2004, p.179). On the other hand the manner of dressing is based on different parameters such as gender, culture and even religion. The dress codes, for example, are considered as basic social requirements for dressing (Danesi, 2004, p.179). Based on the definition of clothes and dress then it can be considered that the manner by which people present himself or herself can either be based on personal preference or based on the rules of social institutions he or she may belong. In this manner, the social meaning of clothing and dress should be discussed on the basis of two categories. One of the main categories in the social meaning of clothing is the personal preference of the one wearing the clothes. It had been known that clothes and dresses can be considered as one of the basic indications of a person’s character. According to Davis, as quoted in the work of Barnard (2002), clothes that people wear are considered as social statements. Although most people can be considered to choose clothes unconsciously, their personal preference always comes out (p.72). There are different factors that can take part in the choice of clothes and dresses that people wear which at the same time can present their personal preference. One factor is fashion. It can affect the way people choose clothes for a particular season and occasion. Within each trend though, people can still choose what they feel most comfortable in. Another factor is the cultural influence, which is more on the region where a person resides. In the present and modern era where traditional costumes are less worn, differences in the manner by which people choose clothes can still be observed

Design and facitilities Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Design and facitilities - Coursework Example On run time the active directory picks on a 2008 or 2003 windows server incorporated with a windows 2000 server domain controller. The interface usage however will require a windows vista, XP, 2000 or NT software platform to run. Developers intending to use the directory will need to install a software development platform kit to be able to link up with other tools that are offered by the system. The software needed for the restaurant would be in two parts defines, the typical installation and custom installation. The typical installation include at least a windows operating system service pack one and above and windows server 2003. The custom installation on the other hand is involved with installation of the server and client stations which basically requires client server software such as SQL server 2000 with service pack one and above. The active directory once up and running will be able to track everything as an object since it captures many items which may share the same attributes. The structure of the directory takes up the hierarchical way where objects are divided into two broad categories being resources and security principals, resources being items such as printers and security principals being used to control the access and security log in explains (Paradi, 24). From here each schema that is needed can be used in different class objects its objects enabling extension and modification where necessary. As with many assigned codes changing of the objects may lead to changing the structure that is set for the active directory itself and proper planning should be done before the consideration is made. The design gives a platform that is more user friendly compared to the previous one that was being used by the company. It has been designed to access features from different network providers giving the environment for easy management of network resources. The interface enables administrators to add new users, manage printing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Article Evaluation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation - Article Example p. 50) they primarily assumed depending on the research of Sutton, McKinney, and Hallahan (1992) that school settings affect student’s performance and therefore, they set the outline of their study on the comparative line among the three types of schools: home school, private school, and public school. As a result, the study apparently loses the rudimentary trait, but other reviews of literatures that Sutton and Galloway refer in their study make a clear and harmonious relation with the purpose of their study. Their literature reviews clearly assess the level of performance and success of these schools. The procedure of the study appears to in fair concordance with the holistic purpose. The researchers prudently selected the participants from the balanced proportional ranges in order to encapsulate the whole country and to avoid the marginal bias. Participants of the study aptly represent the all of the 50 states and 48 foreign countries; though the study must confront the question whether each school individually represented all of the states of the country, the numbers of none of these schools equate the numbers of the states. So the question arises whether the fragmental number of each school fairly represents all of the same types of schools in the whole country. However, the representational integrity of the participants of each school seemed to compensate the lack of the representation of all the schools of the whole country. One hundred and eighty sample students of 1992-3 academic years were taken from the Liberal Arts University and they were compared school-wise with thos e who completed their graduation in 1997. Determining the rate of representation of the students with the use of Chi-square scale and considering the effect of the socioeconomic status of the students the data were intended on an all-embracing set of 40 indicators. Indeed their procedure of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The faulty logic behind race boundaries elucidated in literature Essay

The faulty logic behind race boundaries elucidated in literature - Essay Example Weinbaum's analysis of race treats ideologies of nationalism and racism within the American. Basically, Weinbaum's analyzes the connection between race and reproduction. Her ideas find that slavery as an institution validated by 'difference of the races' cannot continue to exist if reproduction does not occur separately inside and outside that institution. The basic statement offered in Wayward Reproductions is that America, as a racially divided nation, is in crisis. Social order is compromised because reproduction is not an orderly process. Weinbaum states that problems are grounded in "the failure of the social order, particularly the modern racial nation, to continually produce itself without a glitch" (p. 14). The basic concept to apply to the literary works by Chopin, Jacobs, and Brown, is that the idea of racial supremacy is faulty. Classification by race cannot exist in society as our reproduction isn't based nor does it occur within clear-cut racially-segregated boundaries. Weinbaum analyses Chopin's Dsire's Baby within her book and points out problems of identification and power struggle within the relationship between Dsire and her husband. Because the baby is not adequately and unquestionably Caucasian, onlookers to the child question which of the two parents have African ancestry. The thought is 'Who's guilty' Dsire is blamed for the physical appearance of the child and returns to the family home. "She disappeared among the reeds and willows that grew along the banks of the deep, sluggish bayou; and she did not come back again" (247). This is to say that Dsire, on behalf of her race being disclosed and African, is not welcome among the elite. However, in truth, Dsire's husband, who still resides in L'Abri, is the one, who due to 'racial inferiority' has been misappropriated his place. Kate Chopin expertly crafts her short story, Dsire's Baby, so that the reader will see the mockery of the premise of 'racial integrity.' Meanwhile, even the main characters are oblivious to the unfair hoax of racial divisions and the injustice those racial divisions cause, just as society cannot see the hoax that occurs among us. Via critique of Chopin's piece, Weinbaum also addresses Nationalism. Just as Desiree's household was interrupted, and Desiree returned to her family home, society is interrupted by assumptions based on race. This occurs and proves that social order is not stable. Models for classification, social control, and oppression (Weinbaum 3) of the races cannot function when those systems of classification have to be maintained through reproduction, which cannot be controlled. Both Harriet Jacobs and William Wells Brown include illustrations of autobiographical/biographical characters with mixed bloodlines who were born as slaves. Through them, race issues are addressed - issues such as racially-mixed reproduction, favorable treatment to those more Anglo-Saxon looking slaves, and the ever-present status of 'slave' or negro that contradicts the value of an individual. Constantly in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Clotel, Anglo-Saxon features of slaves are referred to as more attractive or more valuable. Degree of color is important to those telling these stories. Degree of color was of importance to the slaves themselves. Harriet Jacobs

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contribution of Public to a Company's Marketing And Sales Efforts Essay

Contribution of Public to a Company's Marketing And Sales Efforts - Essay Example An overall theoretical emphasis of public relations is based upon two important and fundamental arguments. Firstly, it is suggested that public relations are a manipulation whereas some see public relations as the dissemination of information, as well as promoting understanding between public and organization. As such, PR is also the art and science of analyzing and predicting events and assessing their possible impact on the organization and other stakeholders involved in the process (Heath, 2001). It is also critical to note that communication is a relatively larger term which includes overall management of communication at the organization-wide level whereas public relation is considered as a narrow and focused use of communication between an organization and its public. It is therefore argued that senior managers of the organization should involve public relations managers in the overall decision-making process. This is because of the fact that public relation managers have to ma intain external communication of the organization in a manner which can leave a positive impact on the organization. It is also suggested that the public relations managers must also develop open lines of communication with the managers in order to inform them about the possible consequences of the actions taken by the management (Smith, 2005). Public relations have been mostly associated with communication as described above; however, communication in this regard has to be a two-way communication. It is also related to the maintenance of mutual relationships between the public and the organization. Public relation is also considered as an intelligence function because PR managers... This report approves that Public Relations as a discipline has evolved over the period of time as more and more variations were added to it. In its essence, Public Relations or PR is a function of organizational communication wherein a firm tends to communicate with its public. Over the period of time, the way firms approach PR has changed and the role of PR has further dramatically changed during the financial crisis. Many now argue that role of PR is more of that of an intelligence and analytic role to provide strategic insights to the higher management of the firm. PR managers therefore now need to properly and regularly communicate with the managers to inform them the strategic significance of PR related issues. This paper makes a conclusion that in times of financial crisis, firms can increase their PR efforts by directly communicating with their target market. However, given the general sentiments about the firms, it is important that firms must accept the responsibility and become accountable for the crisis which has engulfed many developed countries. The use of social media can also be one of the key strategic assets available to PR managers to actually penetrate further into their target markets and develop one to one communication with their customers. Social media can also offer an opportunity to spread word of mouth hence PR managers need to design their strategies in a manner which can give them most exposure. A higher level of exposure can result in better marketing and improved sales for the firms.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Footwear Manufacturing Company - New Balance Research Paper - 1

A Footwear Manufacturing Company - New Balance - Research Paper Example Today, the company is tasked with shifting line of corporate social responsibility from just doing what is right into an integrated business strategy and this is what the present case seeks to find means of getting done in a very resounding manner. Â  Over the years, the history, values, and integrity of New Balance have been the company’s major governance strength. This is because, with an early mission to holding on to responsible management practices, the company has not turned its back on such practices to date (Tyssen, 2001). In the midst of this major strength of unshaken organizational culture for integrity and values, the company has failed to pay particular attention to issues of transparency and accountability and this poses a major weakness to the company’ overall governance. This missing link of transparency and accountability has resulted in a situation whereby the company has not been able to identify its business risk and opportunities (Mustapha, 2008). Invariably, the company has not taken advantages of opportunities that could make it larger and more popular than it is today. Â  Consistency is always a term that customers cherish because it keeps them in line with what is happening within the company and avoids the need to change their ways of dealing with the company (Mustapha, 2008). As far as products and services are concerned, this has thus been a major strength of the company, where it has been able to be consistent with its line of sports brand of production.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Theories of Employment Relations in SMEs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Theories of Employment Relations in SMEs - Essay Example The researcher of this essay discusses the opinions of researchers and scholars in organisation studies, that often see small firms as the major sources of innovation and the drivers of the major economic change. SMEs are generally believed to be the greatest contributors to national and international economic growth and create an impression of being increasingly beneficial and attractive to potential employees, due to their flexibility, informality, and family-friendly environments, which are impossible in large organisations. These benefits, generate significant criticism: informality and flexibility in employment relations in SMEs are not without their problems. While some theorists position flexibility and informality as the positive factors of employee commitment and labour productivity, others consider flexibility and family-friendly environments responsible for lower job security, lower wages, lower quality of professional training, unsociable hours and even health risks. In t his essay, employment relations in SMEs are mainly underresearched and require developing a systemic framework. The discussion of employment relations in SMEs usually goes along the three distinct lines: the impact of the NMW, the role of informality, and the place of flexibility and family-friendly environments in SMEs. In its current state, the theories of employment relations in SMEs are both interesting and contradictory, but they lay the foundation for the development of a single systemic framework of how employees and employers coordinate.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Essay on Compulsory Primary Education Essay Example for Free

Essay on Compulsory Primary Education Essay In a country everybody should know how to read and write and how to count, so that everybody can help the society with a better capacity. Primary education is based mainly on reading, writing and arithmetic. This is the minimum education that one should get, specially in a poor country like India, where nothing more can be possibly done owing to paucity of funds. Advantages: The present age is the age of people. In most of the countries there are democratic form of Government. Democracy cannot be successful if the people are illiterate. Because illiterate persons cannot read the newspapers. They cannot read the political pamplets. So, they remain in dark about their countrys affairs. People should have a least the primary education for their easy conduct in the society and for the success of democracy. Why it should be made compulsory: The poor people do not send their children to school for want of money. Some children work elsewhere to supplement their family-income. The farmers children help their parents in the field. So, they cannot come to school if it is not made compulsory. but it must be free education and children should get their books and slates from the Government. Most of the parents being poor, their children should be provided with free fooding and free clothing. Conclusion: It is the duty of every Government to make the primary education free and compulsory. The Government of India should work out this scheme with all sincerity, so that all the children of the entire country will come within the scheme. People should co-operate with the Government in this campaign. Students can help their local people to work out the primary education programme. During their holidays and vacations they should open camp-schools in their own localities and teach the local children in suitable hours.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Illustrative Essay Essay Example for Free

Illustrative Essay Essay In society today we look at magazines and movies and strive to be just like the people we see. The guys in these magazines have six packs and arms with muscles the size of Mt. Everest. And the girls are all size double zeros with no meat anywhere on their bodies. A lot of Americans work out and diet to accomplish the goal of having these body types, but some go to drastic measures to get it. Many eating disorders and their side effects are taking over the lives of Americans every day. Anorexia Nervosa is the number one eating disorder in America. One in every one hundred woman suffers from this disorder. Anorexia is where you deprive your body from any food. This can create many problems with the body. In the beginning, minor problems can occur like fatigue, dizzy spells, and weakness. But later on, you can do so much as to give yourself certain heart diseases and some women even lose their menstrual cycles. Anorexia has controlled the lives of many celebrities like Karen Carpenter (who actually died from it), Mary Kate Olsen, and Tara Reid. Another eating disorder wide spread through the United States in Bulimia. Three in every one hundred woman suffer or have suffered from Bulimia. This disorder is where you still eat, but you cause yourself to vomit. Statistics show that many women will turn to this disease because it is â€Å"less threatening† than anorexia. Bulimia can cause slight abdominal pain and bloating. Long term side effects of this disorder can be broken blood vessels in your eyes, rotting of your teeth, and even some types of colon and throat cancers. The last eating disorder that is an issue in the USA is obesity. Many people don’t think obesity is an eating disorder, but in fact it is. Everyone’s standard of obesity is obviously ifferent, but on a national scale PBS says that seventy three percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Obesity can cause diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, and high blood pressure which are all life threatening problems. In conclusion, many eating problems are taking over America. There are healthier ways to get the body image you want. Don’t put your body at risk just to be what society wa nts you to be. You should be healthy, but you should become healthy, in a healthy manner. If you or anyone you know is struggling from an eating disorder, you should seek help as soon as possible.

Wireless Mouse: History and Types

Wireless Mouse: History and Types Introduction Mouse is an input device for computer and it is used to access or run on the computer screen, without mouse we cant move cursor or arrow on the screen, without mouse we cant open, close, there is no such thing or device to replace instead of mouse. In this wireless mouse technology is now running in present world and wireless mouse works with Bluetooth connection and it uses battery power, battery power withstands longtime minimum period of one year and mouse consumes less power in it, in wireless mouse Bluetooth slot is present without losing transmitter. Mouse are of different types: Wire mouse Wireless mouse Touchpad mouse Key contributors: First mice were invented in the year 1944 by Ralph Benjamin and he was invented for the purpose for the fir control radar at world war II. Mouse was conceived by Doug Engelbart in the year 1960. The Engelbart thought up this idea in 1961 and first prototype mouse was created by English in 1964. (4) Engelbart English approached NASA for fund further research and to determine which input device is best for controlling cursor. In the year 1967 Bill English was analyzing the results of the various characteristics of input devices, Periodic table of the elements which has characteristics to define groups along rows and columns, periodic table is the main led to discovery of certain unknown elements, this defined the characteristics of a device that didnt exist before. That device was the mouse, (1) The cursor was controlled by a simple mechanism using joystick that Benjamin after thinking and he came up with roller ball and it functions alike to the standard mechanical mouse. Roller ball was coated with rubber and it contacts to the sides of the rollers, rollers can turn in x y directions and that movement was transfer in to proper movement of pointer on screen. This device gave birth to the mouse. First developed: First prototype was developed by Bill English, and kept secretly without knowing outside of the world. Bill English Engelbart approach NASA for further research to get best results. (1) (5) Mouse has only two directions to move freely i.e; X and y directions.After few inventions from mechanical mouse, ball mouse was replaced with single ball it can rotate in all direction when compared to mechanical mouse moves only in x and y directions. This version of mouse was changed the entire world later it became the predominant form ans used with personal computer throughtout 1980s and 1990s.(1) Mouse Mechanism Mouse works with the help of roller ball and ball moves forward and backward direction with the help of diode motion was detected and transforms the motion onto the screen, there is special software to detect the motion of the roller ball and translate the motion on to the screen. Roller ball is used to control the cursor on the graphical user interface on screen, vertical wheel and horzontal wheel are used to move cursor from one point to another point on screen, roller ball has three guides which are used to guide the ball without getting out from the instrument while operating the mouse, the motion of the rollers sends electrical signals to the computer and software is used to convert signals in to user interface i.e; cursor.Mouse connects directly with the help of wire. The basic mouse has one button. The single button has name LISA MOUSESingle button was first introduced by apple company in the year 1983 and material is steel and it was used until 2000.This design was not changed for almost 20 years due to it compact design, for this design they have done a lot of research to get final product, it was acctually designed and renamed by IDEO in 1991. Lisa mouse was failed due to it technical reasons, after that they changed and introduced The Macintosh Mouse material is used is rubber. After this apple introduced two more designs and it doesnt take any effect. (2) In 2005 apple introduced new product witout using mechanism and the name of the product is The Mighty Mouse after 22 years of strugulling they succeded in this product and it works good, the mouse body respond to the click.(2) Wireless Mouse: Wireless mouse or Optical mouse was first demonstrated by two independent inventors in 1980s by John Markoff Sol Sherr, it uses a infrared led and a four-quadrant infrared instrument to detect grid lines in pattern with infrared engrossing ink on a special metallic surface. (Optical,2017.web.23 Mar.2017.) Optical mouse or wireless mouse uses a light source to detect movements relative to surface, it is different from mechanical mouse, in optical mouse moving parts are not present. Wireless mouse consist of transmitter, reciever, battery, and reciver can be placed behind the battery inside the mouse. The reciever is connected to the computer and transmitter is inbuilt in side of the mouse, reciever and transmitter uses radio frequency to communicate each other to transfer signals from both sides and it is a continous process, if battery power drainsout we need to replace or if the battery is rechargable we need to charge before using. Functions of mouse:- Left click Single click Double click Click and hold Right click Scroll wheel Navigation or Sensor Left click is used for selecting options in left click or button there are three options in that single click is used to highlight folder or selecting the particular tab while browsing web. Double click is used for opening folder, selecting words, opening documents in that folder. Click and hold is for copying files from other sources in to the particular folder, copying images into word documents, highlight the words, drag and drop in web browsing, copying files from usb to pc. Right click is mainly for shortcuts for new folders, new ms office files, for documents or folders right click is to open,edit,rename,cut,copy,delete,properties.This functions are highlighted in that particular button or click. Scroll wheel is used to scroll page up down, zoom in zoom out in maps,images, in some applications scroll wheel is also used to exit particular command i.e; creo software. Navigation or sensor is nothing but identifying where cursor or pointer is located. Sensor identifies the location of cursor or pointer. Touch pad: Touch pad was first introduced by Olivetti and Triumph-Adler in 1992, after that Cirque corporation was developed and commercilaized the touchpad and it was used commonly for various products like notebook and computers. Cirque corporation branded as Glidepoint in 1994, Glidepoint wass the first technology adopted in the notebook omputers as system pointing devices, it performs the same as mouse. Glide point technology reconiged as one of six best products on cover Best products of 1994. PC Magazine 10 january 1995. (3) Apple announced touchpads to powerbook series in the year 1992.(3) Touchpad works two types of working principle, conductive sensing and capacitive sensing. Conductive sensing has two layers one is horizontal and vertical set of wires between two layers there are low conductive material is used for intersection and doesnt flow electricity between these layers. Capacitive sensors detect anything is conductive and it has two parts one is ground and other is sensor. Capacitive sensor is the most common sensor is widely used in everyday life. when we touch the two layers by using finger for contact to each other at a point and the point gets coordinates and coordinates sends to the system. Functions of touchpad is like mouse; relative motion enables us to move our finger across the surface of touchpad and moves cursor on screen. Under the touchpad two buttons are present and it was like the mouse buttons and it functions same as mouse clicks i.e.; left button, right button. Mouse has scroll wheel and in touch pad it doesnt provide in it, instead of that in touchpad there is an option of hotspot which enables the scroll wheel function in touchpad, there is an option in hotspot like, one finger, multi finger, additional. One-finger there are different option tapping; button, left click, right click; drag and drop. Multi-finger there are zooming; scrolling; rotation; three-finger; four-finger. Additional there are palm tracking; sensitivity; smart motion. Future: Touchpads are replaced with virtual reality, we can control everything on screen using our finger and we no need any physical contact to the object or product, and we can virtually move anything on screen. In future, we cant see mice due to virtual reality is useful for bright future. Mice transforms from mechanical to electrical from past to present, further we can see virtual reality. Virtual reality is the latest technology. Bibliography Battery optimization for mouse technology. Engineering research and applied science 5(1).2147-3471 (2016): 328-331.web. AppleS Mouse: A history -512. N.p., 2017.web. 30 Mar.2017. First laptops with touchpad as mouse replacement?. Vintage computer forum. N.p., 2017. Web.30 Mar.2017 Father of The Mouse: Doug Engelbart. An Exclusive Interview in Superkids Software Review.,2017.web.23 Mar.2017. Smallwood, karl. who invented The computer Mouse?. Today I Found Out.N.p., 2017.web. 26 Mar.2017.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Excess in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar :: Julius Caesar Essays

Excess in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Excess makes for a very relevant theme in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Being excessively large compared to his followers is a trait that credits Julius Caesar's character. Excessiveness encompasses the leading conspirators. Excessiveness also marks Antony and Octavius in several ways. Â   Caesar's descriptions as well as his attitude contain excessiveness. Cassius describes Caesar as excessively large in relationship to his followers. This is shown when he says, "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world/Like a Colossus, and we petty men/Walk under his huge legs..."(1.2.135-137). He states that Caesar's followers and close associates make themselves unnecessarily small and meek in their actions when they are around Caesar. He says that this way of acting has become unnecessary and dangerous because it allows Caesar too much room to act like a king. Also, Caesar asks to ."..have men about me that are fat,..."(1.2.192) and he has grown to be scared by Cassius because scrawnyness marks one of his traits. Â   Excessiveness surrounds Cassius and Brutus Cassius declares that the terrifying and supernatural events of the night merely show that something will come that Casca should look forward to and not be afraid of. He enumerates a number of fantastic things that have happened over the course of the night. He states that all of these things, like the ."..birds and beasts from quality and kind,..."(1.3.64), do not represent fear and horror, but the coming of a wonderful new change. Involving Brutus, Portia must resort to gashing her thigh in order to get her husband's attention and make him tell her the truth about his plans. She reveals this to him during a speech where she makes every excessive plea to convince Brutus that knowledge, reliability, and a strong lineage characterize her. Therefor, she has earned her worthyness to not be left out of his matters. Â   Antony and Octavius also express excessiveness or lack thereof. After reading Caesar's will, Antony takes the clothes off Caesar's body so that the Roman populous to whom he speaks can see Caesar's wounds, thus inflaming the public opinion against Brutus. He personalizes every wound, which raises the public's opinion against Brutus even more.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Leonardo Da Vinci Essay -- Biography Artist Da Vinci Bio Essays

Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Vinci, Tuscany, during a time called the Renaissance. His creations of art and advancements in science not only surpassed those of his time, but have contributed to the fundamentals of modern day technology and are arguably the greatest in history. Many of da Vinci’s paintings remain today as proof of his pioneered techniques, brilliance, and talent. The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language defines â€Å"renaissance man† as â€Å"[a] man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences.† This is a term still used today, and its derivation is obvious. Many people in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries were skillful artists and scientists, but Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Renaissance was a time of economic stability. Originating in Italy and eventually expanding to other parts of Europe such as Germany, France, and England, the Renaissance was an era of renewed interest in literature and art and emphasized autonomous thought and creations. The philosophy of humanism, an idea stressing the importance and distinction of individuals, is thought to have originated during this time (â€Å"Renaissance† Encarta). Italian writers struggled to discover and preserve earlier works by Romans and Greeks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was one main cause for the Renaissance and the economical boom; a population increase. The Crusades caused a spark in trade due to interactions with other cultures. Trade routes were established and eventually became crowded. Therefore, existing towns grew into cities, and new ones were conceived. As towns grew and became crowded, there arose a need for expansion. People traveled more and interacted with other cities and cultures, which was forbidden under the feudal system. This interaction and constant traveling, along with military encounters, increased trade even more. The feudal system began to break down.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The exports brought money, and Italian rulers and nobles, as well as the governments of cities, became wealthier because of the merchants: â€Å"These merchants exerted both political and economic leadership and their attitudes and interest helped to shape the Italian Renaissance† (â€Å"Renaissance† World History 345). They also donated generously in support of the arts. Soon, cities became comm... ...e course of art in Western civilization, and his scientific studies in the fields of anatomy, optics, and hydraulics were the basis for many of the developments of modern science. The variety of his interests and the depth of his brilliance made him the quintessential Renaissance man. Works Cited â€Å"Early Renaissance† Microsoft Bookshelf ’95. CD-ROM. Microsoft Corp. 1995. Hale, John R. Renaissance. New York: Time Inc., 1965. â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci.† Da Vinci Museum on the Web. Online. Internet. February 28, 2000. Available: â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci.† Microsoft Encarta ’99. CD-ROM. Microsoft Corp. 1998. â€Å"Piero della Francesca† Microsoft Bookshelf ’95. CD-ROM. Microsoft Corp. 1995. â€Å"The Renaissance.† Who and When? The Renaissance: Artists and Writers. 1998. â€Å"The Renaissance in Italy.† World History: Connections to Today. 1999. Richter, Irma A. The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1952. Snyder, James. Northern Renaissance Art: Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350 to 1575. Phoenix: Prentice-Hall, 1985. Turner, A. Richard. Inventing Leonardo. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Hottest Workout: Bikram Yoga :: Exercise Health Fitness Papers

The Hottest Workout: Bikram Yoga Imagine a 240-pound professional football player stretching his sweat-drenched body to its limits in heat of more than 110 degrees. This scene doesn’t take place on a football field, but in a heated Bikram yoga studio where many athletes and everyday people are going to cure and prevent aches and pains. Yoga, as a way to achieve higher self-awareness, was around as early as 200 B.C. in India and has been gradually growing in popularity in the western world over the past four decades. Traditional styles of yoga, including Hatha yoga, which consists of thousands of poses, have long been studied as an effective form of complimentary or alternative medicine (CAM). The biggest yoga boom has occurred over the past decade according to statistics from the International Association of Yoga Therapists. The Association estimates there were 20 million Americans practicing some form of yoga in 2002 compared to 6 million in 1994. Increased awareness of yoga as a healing method along with high-profile celebrity endorsements have contributed to the growing numbers of yoga users recently. Madonna and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are some famous yogis that have been students of Bikram Choudhury, who founded his own style of hot yoga in India. Dina Lancour, a Hatha yoga instructor from Agawam, Massachusetts, took a Bikram yoga class under Choudhury. â€Å"It reminded me of Indian sweat tents,† Lancour said. â€Å"It becomes very meditative and deep.† Proponents of Bikram yoga and medical specialists have noted the health benefits of hot yoga. Other yoga practitioners and teachers have expressed concerns about the safety of practicing yoga in a hot room and some ‘yoga purists’ question the motives of the founder, noting that his style is too outwardly focused. According to an article in the Charleston Gazette (March 24,2004) some yoga traditionalists believe the attention yoga has received in mainstream media and business is damaging to the ancient practice. Newer students of yoga are more concerned about how they look rather than the spiritual basis for yoga the article stated. Yoga purists believe focus on the outward image overlooks the true goals of yoga, which are more spiritually focused. Bikram yoga incorporates 26 of the Hatha poses and two breathing exercises in a â€Å"specific order to get the maximum benefit for the body,† said Megan Cooney, a certified Bikram instructor, who teaches at three studios in the Boston area. Choudhury developed the Bikram style after he suffered an knee injury from weight training. The Hottest Workout: Bikram Yoga :: Exercise Health Fitness Papers The Hottest Workout: Bikram Yoga Imagine a 240-pound professional football player stretching his sweat-drenched body to its limits in heat of more than 110 degrees. This scene doesn’t take place on a football field, but in a heated Bikram yoga studio where many athletes and everyday people are going to cure and prevent aches and pains. Yoga, as a way to achieve higher self-awareness, was around as early as 200 B.C. in India and has been gradually growing in popularity in the western world over the past four decades. Traditional styles of yoga, including Hatha yoga, which consists of thousands of poses, have long been studied as an effective form of complimentary or alternative medicine (CAM). The biggest yoga boom has occurred over the past decade according to statistics from the International Association of Yoga Therapists. The Association estimates there were 20 million Americans practicing some form of yoga in 2002 compared to 6 million in 1994. Increased awareness of yoga as a healing method along with high-profile celebrity endorsements have contributed to the growing numbers of yoga users recently. Madonna and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are some famous yogis that have been students of Bikram Choudhury, who founded his own style of hot yoga in India. Dina Lancour, a Hatha yoga instructor from Agawam, Massachusetts, took a Bikram yoga class under Choudhury. â€Å"It reminded me of Indian sweat tents,† Lancour said. â€Å"It becomes very meditative and deep.† Proponents of Bikram yoga and medical specialists have noted the health benefits of hot yoga. Other yoga practitioners and teachers have expressed concerns about the safety of practicing yoga in a hot room and some ‘yoga purists’ question the motives of the founder, noting that his style is too outwardly focused. According to an article in the Charleston Gazette (March 24,2004) some yoga traditionalists believe the attention yoga has received in mainstream media and business is damaging to the ancient practice. Newer students of yoga are more concerned about how they look rather than the spiritual basis for yoga the article stated. Yoga purists believe focus on the outward image overlooks the true goals of yoga, which are more spiritually focused. Bikram yoga incorporates 26 of the Hatha poses and two breathing exercises in a â€Å"specific order to get the maximum benefit for the body,† said Megan Cooney, a certified Bikram instructor, who teaches at three studios in the Boston area. Choudhury developed the Bikram style after he suffered an knee injury from weight training.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Elderly in the Netherlands Essay

Nowadays, the elderly is a serious issue around the world; nearly all industrial countries are facing enormous pressure about the coming of aging society. As one of the most advanced countries in the world, how about the situation of elderly in the Netherlands ? Can Dutch society provide the best care to the Baby Boomer? Aging society, the Netherlands is on the way â€Å"For the Netherlands, the aged society did already make its entrance.† said Mr. Martin Smalbrugge Who is head of the training center for residents in elderly care medicine (GERION) of the Department of Nursing Home Medicine. This is true; in 1990 12.8% of the Dutch population was over 65, while in 2000 this was 13.6 %, which is an increase of 250,000 elderly people. (College, 2003)Obviously, the Netherlands have become an aged society country. Furthermore, the Dutch aging population will increase dramatically in the future, it is expected that the percentage of people of over 65 will increase to 14.8% in 2010 and to 22.9% in 2040. (Elderly) Aging society causes many challenges for Dutch economic and society. The first challenge is ageing society creates social and political pressures on social support systems, due to dramatic increase in the older retired population relative to the shrinking population of working ages. This would decrease the quantity of labor and investment in the Netherlands, and directly influence the increase of Dutch economy. The other one is the prevalence of disability, frailty, and chronic diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.) are expected to increase dramatically. As a result, there would be a  huge burden for the Dutch society. For example, just the National Care for Elderly Program – Better quality of life for frail elderly persons through better quality of care which is tailored to the needs of the elderly persons, costs 80 million Euros. (The National Care for the Elderly Programme) Such a big amount of money into elderly care is like an invisible hand is impeding the increase of Dutch economy. Although many challenges in the Netherlands are caused by the aging society, elderly people are not abandoned by society. Actually, The Netherlands is one of the best countries to live for aged people around the world. There are efficient welfare and healthcare systems, high quality medical equipment, and a number of special services for elderly. How the Netherlands take care of Elderly The Netherlands has a rounded care and welfare system, this system satisfies the need for care for every citizen, and there are specific aims to different groups. For elderly, the nation policy’s main goal in the National Background Report for The Netherlands is to let people in all circumstances and phases of life were independent and self-reliant as long as possible. It was essential to offer people who need care, such as the elderly, optimum choices and to improve the quality of their life (Knipscheer, 2004). In order to achieve this goal, the Dutch government has made various efforts to set up an excellent elderly care system since 1900. However, in the early of 20 century It was unfair for aging people who are from lower social class in care and welfare system. For example, during that period it was hard for aging people from lower social class to get better health care, and find new job. In order to solved this problem, former government introduced reforms within the existing system of relief for both the poor and the elderly people which were 1912 Poor Law, and 1913 Old Age Pensions Act (College, 2003). Nevertheless, now the Netherlands has constructed the best and most effective elderly care and welfare system in the world. The basic elderly care system  in the Netherlands is the Traditional Three-Level-System. It includes three levels which are residential homes for the elderly, nursing homes, and extramural care system (as opposed to the intramural care in institutional homes). (Senior citizens, 2011)Besides the Traditional Three-Level-System, Dutch society also developed many new measures to satisfy the increase for the need of elderly care. For example, †Umbrella care†, which means †care given by children, relatives and neighbors† (College, 2003). It is convenient to the huge number of elderly who live alone to get better life. Moreover, according to a research by European Union, 37% of Dutch people younger than 45 prefer their parents to stay and receive visits, this number is just lower than Sweden. (Harbers, 2008) †Umbrella care† is a perfect project to the elderly who live alone. Furthermore, comparing with other European countries, the Netherlands is one of the best countries in health care service. Specifically, the Netherlands has a large percentage of aging people are vaccinated against influenza each 2005, this percentage was 75%, and it has the largest influenza vaccination rate in the elderly in the EU. (Harbers, 2008) In addition, the Netherlands is also the first country that legalized Euthanasia around the world. This gives elderly who are suffering from serious diseases, such as cancer, right to die to get rid of agony from diseases. Even if some people hold the belief that the legalization of euthanasia is inhumane, it gives one option to elderly who get serious diseases and could not live any more to finish their agony. Just like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said:† If you are very old, or in a very bad condition, I think people should be able to decide for themselves if they want to end their lives or continue.† Elderly care, still long way for the Netherlands the Netherlands is definitely an excellent model of elderly’s care and welfare system for other countries in the world to study, whereas for the Netherlands, this is not enough. Many drawbacks still exist in Dutch society for elderly people. On the one hand, like other European countries, due to the dramatic increase of elderly and economic recession, the situation of Infrastructures for elderly is still rigorous. For example, the Number of hospital beds in the Netherlands is below EU average, it was 438 hospital beds per 10,000 inhabitants. . (Harbers, 2008) This number is continuing decreasing in recent years. On the other hand, the baby boomers become more major group of elderly gradually, they are healthier and wealthier than former generations, and they need higher service quality. However, consequently there is still some space for Dutch elderly housing care; for example, like Mr. Martin Smalbrugge said that there has to be more staff and he think it would be a good idea to take more care at people at their own houses. People are happier in their own houses, get their own attention. Not only the Netherlands are facing the challenges of an aging society, but also almost advanced industry countries even some developing countries ,like China have the same problem. The efforts of the Netherlands is not enough to solve this global issue. This problem needs international cooperation, and international cooperate is a good platform for countries to share and study their experience about elderly care system each other. In order to give better life for elderly now and also for ourselves life in the future , we still need to do more! Bibliography College, D. V. (2003). Care Work with Older People. Older People in The Netherlands,1,3, 4 5.Ritrived from Elderly. (n.d.). Retrieved Feburary 23, 2012, from the Netherlands institute for social research: Harbers, M. (2008). Dare to Compare! Houten: The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Harmsen, J. G. (12. July 2011). Elderly people live independently to increasingly older ages. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from Satistics Netherlands: Knipscheer, G. V.-J. (2004). National Background Report. Hamburg. Senior citizens. (2011, November 15). Retrieved March 13, 2012, from Government of Netherlands: Sittig, H. (8. feburary 2012). â€Å"I won’t put my dad in a nursing home†. Retrieved feburary 23, 2012 from radio Netherlands worldwide: STEVERINK, N. (2001). Ageing and Society 21. the United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. The National Care for the Elderly Programme. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2012, from national programm ounderenzorg: Zwijnenburg, W. (n.d.). The Netherlands: Government withdrawal from long-term care. Retrieved April 12, 2012, from The MUHC ISAI’s Health Innovation Forum:

Friday, August 16, 2019


http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS FORM 5 MODULE 4 INTEGRATION http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com CHAPTER 3 : INTEGRATION Content Concept Map page 2 3–4 5 6 7 8–9 10 – 11 12 4. 1 Integration of Algebraic Functions Exercise A 4. 2 The Equation of a Curve from Functions of Gradients. Exercise B SPM Question Assessment Answer http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 1 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com Indefinite Integral a) o o a x n a dx = ax + c. xn+ 1 + c. n+ 1 b) x n dx = c ) o d x = a o x n d x = a n x + n + 1 1 + c . Integration of Algebraic Functions ) ) The [f (x)  ± g(x) ]dx = o f (x) dx  ± d o Equation of a Curve from Functions of Gradients o g(x)dx y = y = o f ‘( x ) d x c, f (x) + http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 2 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com INTEGRATION 1. Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. dy 2. If y is a function of x and = f ‘( x) then o f ‘( x)dx = y + c, c = c onstant. dx If dy = f ( x ), then dx o f ( x)dx = y 4. 1. Integration of Algebraic Functions Indefinite Integral a) b) o o a dx = ax + c. n a and c are constants xn+ 1 x dx = + c. n+ 1 n c is constant, n is an integer and n ? – c) o ax dx = a o ax n + 1 x dx = + c. n+ 1 n and c are constants n is an d) o [f ( x )  ± g ( x ) ]dx = o f ( x) dx  ± o g ( x)dx http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 3 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com Find the indefinite integral for each of the following. a ) ? 5dx b) ? x 3 dx c) ? 2 x dx 5 d) ? ( x ? 3x 2 )dx Always remember to include ‘+c’ in your answers of indefinite integrals. Solution : a) ? 5dx ? 5x ? c b) 3 ? x dx ? x3? 1 ? c 3 ? 1 x4 = ? c 4 2 c) 5 ? 2 x dx ? 2 x5? 1 ? c 5 ? 1 2 x6 = ? c 6 1 = x6 ? c 3 d) ? ( x ? 3x )dx ? ? xdx ? ? 3x 2 dx = x 2 3 x3 ? ?c 2 3 x2 = ? x3 ? c 2 Find the indefinite integral for each of the following. a) ? ? x ? 3x ? dx 2 x 4 b) ?x ? x 2 4 ? ? ? 3 ? ? dx x ? ? a) Solution : x ? 3Ãâ€"2 ? ? x 4 ?dx ? ? x 3Ãâ€"2 ? ? ? x4 ? x4 ? dx ? ? b) 2 4? ? ? 2 4? ? 3 ? 4 ? dx = ? ? 3x ? 2 ? dx x ? x ? ? ? = ? 3Ãâ€"2 ? 4 x ? 2 dx ? x ? 1 ? 3x 3 = ? 4? c 3 ? ?1 ? 4 = x3 ? ? c x ? ? x? 3 ? 3x? 2 dx ? x? 1 ? x? 2 = ? 3? c ? 2 ? ?1 ? 1 3 =? 2 ? ?c 2x x ? ? ? ? http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 4 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 1. Find ? ? 3x 2 ? 4 x ? 10 dx. ? [3m] 2. Find ? ? x 2 ? 1 ? 2 x ? 3 ? dx. ? [3m] 1? ? 3. Find ? ? 2 x ? ? dx. x? ? 2 [3m] 4. Find ? ? 2x ? ? 3 ?x? 3 ? ? 2 ? dx. 4 x ? [3m] 6x ? 5 5. Integrate with respect to x. x3 [3m] 6. Find ? ?x 5 ? 4Ãâ€"2 2x 4 ? dx [3m] 3 ? ? 7. Find ? x ? 6 ? 6 ? x . x ? ? 2 [3m] 8. Integrate x 2 ? 3x ? 2 with respect to x. x ? 1 [3m] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 5 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com The Equation of a Curve from Functions of Gradients dy ? f ‘( x), then the equation of the curve is dx If the gradient function of the curve is y ? ? f ‘( x ) dx c is constant. y ? f ( x) ? c, Find the equation of the curve that has the gradient function 3x ? 2 and passes through the point (2, ? 3). Solution The gradient function is 3x ? 2. dy ? 3x ? 2 dx y ? ? (3x ? 2)dx y? 3Ãâ€"2 ? 2x ? c 2 The curve passes through the point (2, ? 3). Thus, x = 2, y = ? 3. 3(2) 2 ? 3 ? ? 2x ? c 2 ? 3 ? 6 ? 4 ? c c ? 5 Hence, the equation of curve is y? 3x 2 ? 2x ? 5 2 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 6 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 1. Given that dy ? 6 x ? 2 , express y in terms of x if y = 9 when x = 2. dx 2. Given the gradient function of a curve is 4x ? 1. Find the equation of the curve if it passes through the point (? 1, 6). 3. The gradient function of a curve is given by dy 48 ? kx ? 3 , where k is a constant. dx x Given that the tangent to the curve at the point (-2, 14) is parallel to the x-axis, find the equation of the curve. http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 7 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM 2003- Paper 2 :Question 3 (a) Given that y ? 2 x ? 2 and y = 6 when x = ? 1, find y in terms of x. dx [3 marks] SPM 2004- Paper 2 :Question 5(a) The gradient function of a curve which passes through A(1, ? 12) is 3 x 2 ? 6 x. Find the equation of the curve. [3 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 8 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM 2005- Paper 2 :Question 2 A curve has a gradient function px 2 ? 4 x , where p is a constant. The tangent to the curve at the point (1, 3) is parallel to the straight line y + x ? 5 =0. Find (a) the value of p, [3 marks] (b) the equation of the curve. [3 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 9 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 1.Find the indefinite integral for each of the following. (a) ? ? 4x 3 ? 3 x ? 2 dx ? (b) 3? x ? ? 2 2 ? 6? ? dx x3 ? 1 ? 2 ( c) (c) ? ? x 5 + 5 6x ? 3 ? ? dx ? ? x2 ? 3 (d) ? ? ? x2 ? ? ? 2 ? ? dx ? ? 2. If dy ? 4 x3 ? 4 x, and y = 0 when x = 2, find y in terms of x. dx http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 10 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 3. If dp v3 ? 2v ? , and p = 0 when v = 0, find the value of p when v = 1. dv 2 4. Find the equation of th e curve with gradient 2 x 2 ? 3 x ? 1, which passes through the origin. 5. d2y dy dy Given that ? 4 x, and that ? 0, y = 2 when x = 0. Find and y in terms 2 dx dx dx of x. http://mathsmozac. blogspot. om 11 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com EXERCISE A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) x ? 2 x ? 10 x ? c 3 2 SPM QUESTIONS 1) y ? x2 ? 2x ? 7 2) y ? x3 ? 3 x 2 ? 10 3) p ? 3, y ? x3 ? 2 x 2 ? 4 x4 ? x3 ? 3x ? c 2 4 3 1 x ? 4x ? ? c 3 x 4 2 x x 1 ? ? 3 ? 2x ? c 2 2 x 6 5 ? ? 2 x 2x 2 x 2 ? ?c 4 x 1 2 x3 ? 3 ? c x 2 x ? 2x ? c 2 ASSESSMENT 1) (a ) x 4 ? 3 2 x ? 2x ? c 2 2 3 (b) 3x ? ? 2 ? c x x 6 x 1 (c ) ? ?c 9 24 x 4 x3 9 (d ) ? 6x ? ? c 3 x y ? x4 ? 2 x2 ? 8 p? 7 8 2 3 3 2 x ? x ? x 3 2 2 3 x ? 2 3 EXERCISE B 1) y ? 3x 2 ? 2 x ? 1 3 x 2 24 ? 2 ? 2 2 x 2) 2) y ? 2 x 2 ? x ? 3 3) y ? 3) 4) y? 5) y? http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 12 http://sahatmozac. logspot. com ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS FORM 5 MODULE 5 INTEGRATION http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 13 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com CONTENT CONCEPT MAP INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION DEFINITE INTEGRALS EXERCISE A EXERCISE B ASSESSMENT SPM QUESTIOS ANSWERS 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 14 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com CONCEPT MAP INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION un ? ax ? b ? dx ? ? du ? a n DEFINITE INTEGRALS If b d g(x) ? f (x) then dx b where u = ax + b, a and b are constants, n is an integer and n ? -1 OR (a) ? f (x)dx g(x)? ? g(b) ? g(a) a a (b) ? f (x)dx f (x)dx a a b b (c) ? f (x)dx f (x)dx ? ? f (x)dx a b a b c ? ax ? b ? ? ? ax ? b ? dx ? a ? n ? 1? n n ? 1 ? c, where a, b, and c are constants, n is integer and n ? -1 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 15 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION un ? ? ax ? b ? dx ? ? a du n where u = ax + b, a and b are constants, n is an integer and n ? -1 O R ? ax ? b ? ? ? ax ? b ? dx ? a ? n ? 1? n n ? 1 ? c, where a, b, and c are constants, n is integer and n ? -1 Find the indefinite integral for each of the following. (a) ? ? 2 x ? 1? dx 3 (b) ? 4(3 x ? 5)7 dx 2 (c) ? dx (5 x ? 3)3 SOLUTION (a) ? ? 2 x ? 1? dx 3 Let u = 2x +1 du du ? 2 ? dx ? dx 2 3 3 ? du ? ? (2 x ? 1) dx ? ? u ? ? ? ? u3 = ? du 2 u 3 ? 1 = ? c 2(3 ? 1) u4 +c 8 (2 x ? 1) = +c 8 = Substitute 2x+1 and substitute dx with du dx = 2 OR (2 x ? 1) 4 ? c ? (2 x ? 1) dx ? 2(4) 3 = ? 2 x ? 1? 8 4 ?c Substitute u = 2x +1 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 16 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com (b) ? 4(3 x ? 5) dx 7 (c) Let u ? 3 x ? 5 du du ? 3 ? dx ? dx 3 7 4u 7 du ? 4(3 x ? 5) dx ? ? 3 4u 8 = ? c 3(8) u8 ? c 6 (3u ? 5)8 = ? c 6 = 2 dx ? ? 2(5 x ? 3) ? 3 dx (5 x ? 3)3 Let u ? 5 x ? 3 du du ? 5 ? dx ? dx 5 ? 3 2u ? 3 du ? 2(5 x ? 3) dx ? ? 5 2u ? 3 = ? c 5(? 2) ? OR 4(3 x ? 5)8 ? c ? 4(3 x ? 5) dx ? 3(8) 7 u ? 2 ? c ? 5 1 = ? 2 5u 1 =? ?c 5(5 x ? 3)2 = = (3x ? 5)8 ? 6 DEFINITE INTEGRALS If d g ( x) ? f ( x) then dx b (a) (b) ? b a b f ( x)dx ? ? g ( x) ? ? g (b) ? g (a) a ? (c ) ? a b f ( x)dx ? ? ? f ( x)dx a b a f ( x)dx ? ? f ( x)dx ? ? f ( x)dx b a c c http://maths mozac. blogspot. com 17 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com Evaluate each of the following ( x ? 3)( x ? 3) (a) ? 12 dx x4 1 1 (b) ? 0 dx (2 x ? 1) 2 SOLUTION (a) x2 ? 9 2 ( x ? 3)( x ? 3) ? c ? ?12 4 dx ? 1 x4 x 2 9 ? 2? x = ? 1 ? 4 ? 4 ? dx x ? ?x = ? 12 ( x ? 2 ? 9 x ? 4 )dx ? x ? 1 ? x ? 3 ? ? =? ? 9? ? ? 3 ? ?1 ? ?1 2 2 (b) ?0 1 1 1 dx ? ?0 (2 x ? 1)? 2 dx 2 (2 x ? 1) 1 = ? 0 (2 x ? 1) ? 2 dx ? (2 x ? 1) ? 1 ? =? ? ? ?1(2) ? 0 ? 1 = ? ? 2(2 x ? 1) ? 0 =? ? ? 1 1 ? 2[2(1) ? 1] ? 2[2(0) ? 1] ? 1 1 ? 1 3? = ? 3 ? ? x x ? 1 ? 1 3 ? ? 1 3? = ? 3 ? ? 3 ? ? 2 2 ? ? 1 1 ? 1 3 = ? ? ? (? 1 ? 3) 2 8 1 =? ?2 8 1 =? 2 8 1 ? 1? = ? ? 6 ? 2? 1 = 3 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 18 Distributed:18. 1. 09 Return:20. 1. 09 INTEGRATE THE FOLLOWING USING SUBSTITUTION METHOD. (1) ? ( x ? 1)3dx (2) ? ?4 ? 3 x ? 5 ? dx ? 5 (3) ? 1 ? 5 x ? 3? dx 4 1 ? ? (4) ? ? 5 ? x ? dx 2 ? ? ?3 1 ? ? (5) ? 5 ? 4 ? y ? dy 2 ? ? 4 3? 2 ? (6) ? ? 5 ? u ? du 2? 3 ? 5 19 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com EXERCISE B 8 1. Evaluate ? 3 ( x3 ? 4)dx Answer : 1023. 75 2. Evaluate Answer: 3 ? ?3 1 2 x( x ? x ? 5)dx 8 83 96 ?2 ? 3. Integrate ? x ? 5 ? with respect to x ? 3 ? 4 4. Evaluate ? 1 3 1 ? ? ? 2 ? 3x ? 4 ? dx ? 1 x ? ? 1 Answer: 3 ? 2 ? ? x ? 5? ? c 10 ? 3 ? 5 Answer : 3 5. Evaluate ? 3 1 ? 2 x ? 1 2 x ? 1? dx 4 x2 6. Given that of 2 5 ? 5 2 f ( x)dx ? 10 , find the value 5 Answer: 1 6 ? ? 1 ? 2 f ( x)? dx Answer :17 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 20 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com ASSESSMENT ?6 and 2. (a) ? 5(2 ? 3v) dv 4 (b) ? dx 5 3 ? 1 ? 5 x ? 1. Given that ? 2 2 1 f ( x)dx ? 3 ? 2 3 f ( x)dx ? ?7 . Find (a) the value of k if (b) ? ? kx ? f ( x)? dx ? 8 1 ? ? 5 f ( x) ? 1? dx 3 1 Answer : (a) k = (b) 48 22 3 3.Show that d ? x 2 ? 2 x 2 ? 6 x 4. . ? dx ? 3 ? 2 x ? ? 3 ? 2 x ? 2 4 Given that ? 4 0 f ( x)dx ? 3 and Hence, find the value of Answer : 1 10 ? ? 3 ? 2x ? 0 1 x ? x ? 3? ? 0 g ( x)dx ? 5 . Find 4 0 2 dx . ? f ( x)dx ? ? g ( x)dx (b) ? ?3 f ( x) ? g ( x)? dx (a) 0 4 0 4 Answer: (a) – 15 (b) 4 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 21 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM QUESTIONS SPM 2003 – PAPER 1, QUESTION 17 1. Given that ? SPM 2004 – PAPER 1, QUESTION 22 k n dx ? k ? 1 ? x ? ? c , 2. Given that 1 ? 2 x ? 3? dx ? 6 , where k ; -1 , find the value of k. [4 marks] ? 1 ? x ? find the value of k and n [3 marks] Answer: k = 5 5 Answer: k = ? =-3 3 5 4 SPM 2005 – PAPER 1, QUESTION 21 6 6 3. Given that ? 2 f ( x)dx ? 7 and ? 2 (2 f ( x) ? kx)dx ? 10 , find the value of k. Answer: k = 1 4 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 22 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com ANSWERS EXERCISE A 1. 3 ( x + 1)4 + c 2. 60 (3 x +5) – 4 + c 3. ?20 EXERCISE B 1. 1023. 75 ? 5 x ? 3? 3 ?c 2. 3 83 96 5 4. 3? 1 ? ?5 ? x? ? c 2? 2 ? ? y? ?c ? 6 4 ?2 3 ? 2 ? 3. ? x ? 5? ? c 10 ? 3 ? 1 3 5 5. 1 6 6. 17 1 ? 5. ?10 ? 4 ? 2 ? 6. 4. 3 2 ? ? ? 5 ? 5 ? u ? ? c 3 ? ? ASSESSMENT 22 1. (a) k = 3 (b) 48 2. (a) 90(2 – 3v) +c ? 100 (b) (1 ? 5 x) ? 4 ? c 3 3. 1 10 -5 SP M QUESTIONS 1. k = ? 2. k = 5 3. = 1 4 5 3 n=-3 4. (a) – 15 (b) 4 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 23 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS MODULE 6 INTEGRATION http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 24 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com CHAPTER 3 : INTEGRATION Content Concept Map 9. 1 Integration as Summation of Areas page 2 3 4–6 7–8 9 – 11 12 – 14 15 Exercise A 9. 2 Integration as Summation of Volumes Exercise B SPM Question Answer http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 25 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com a) The area under a curve which enclosed by x-axis, x = a and x = b is a) The volume generated when a curve is rotated through 360? bout the x-axis is ? ? b a y dx b) The area under a curve which enclosed by y-axis, y = a and y = b is b a Vx ? ? ? y 2 dx a b x dy b) The volume generated when a curve is rotated through 360? about the y-axis is c) The area enclosed by a curve and a straight line ? ? f ( x) ? g ( x)? dx b a Vy ? ? ? x 2 dy a b http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 26 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 3. INTEGRATION 3. 1 Integration as Summation of Area y y = f(x) b a a b 0 The area under a curve which enclosed by x = a and x = b is x 0 x y = f(x) ? b a ydx The area under a curve which is enclosed by y = a and y = b isNote : The area is preceded by a negative sign if the region lies below the x – axis. ? b a xdy Note : The area is preceded by a negative sign if the region is to the left of the y – axis. The area enclosed by a curve and a straight line y y = g (x) y = f (x) a The area of the shaded region = = b b x ? ? ? f ( x) ? g ( x)? dx a b a a b f ( x)dx ? ? g ( x) http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 27 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 1. Find the area of the shaded region in the diagram. y y = x2 – 2x 2. Find the area of the shaded region in the diagram. y y = -x2 + 3x+ 4 x -1 0 4 0 x http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 28 http://sahatmozac. logspot. com 3. Find the area of the shaded region y y=2 4. Find the area of the shaded region in the diagram. y y = x2 + 4x + 4 0 x = y2 x -2 -1 0 2 x http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 29 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 5. Find the area of the shaded region in the diagram y 1 x = y3 – y x 6. y y = ( x – 1)2 0 0 x x=k -1 Given that the area of the shaded region in 28 the diagram above is units2. Find the 3 value of k. http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 30 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 3. 2 Integration as Summation of Volumes y y=f(x) The volume generated when a curve is rotated through 360? about the x-axis is 0 a b xVx ? ? ? y 2 dx a b y y=f(x) The volume generated when a curve is rotated through 360? about the y-axis is b a 0 x Vy ? ? ? x 2 dy a b http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 31 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com y y=x(x+1) Find the volume generated when the shaded region is rotated through 360? about the x-axis. x 0 Answer : x=2 ? ? ? y 2 dx 0 2 Volume generated ? ? ? x 2 ? x ? 1? dx 2 2 0 ? ? ? ( x 4 ? 2 x3 ? x 2 )dx 0 2 ? x 5 2 x 4 x3 ? ? ? ? ? 4 3 ? 0 ? 5 2 25 2(2)4 23 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0? 5 4 3? ? 256 1 ? ? @ 17 ? units 3 . 15 15 y y ? 6 ? x2 The figure shows the shaded region that is enclosed by the curve y ? ? x 2 , the x-axis and the y-axis. Calculate the volume generated when the shaded region is revolved through 360? about y-axis. 0 Answer : Given y ? 6 ? x 2 substitute x ? 0 into y ? 6 ? x Then, y ? 6? 0 y? 6 2 x Volume generated ? ? ? x 2 dy 0 6 ? ? ? ? 6 ? y ? dx 6 0 ? y2 ? ? ? ?6 y ? ? 2 ? 0 ? 62 ? ? 6(6) ? 2 ? 18? units 3 . ? ? ? ? 0? ? ? 6 http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 32 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 1. y y = x (2 – x) 0 x The above figure shows the shaded region that is enclosed by the curve y = x (2 – x) and x-axis. Calculate the volume generated when the shaded region is revolved through 360? bout the y-axis. [4 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 33 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 2. y R (0, 4) Q (3, 4) P (0, 2) y? = 4 (x + 1) 0 x=3 x The f igure shows the curve y ? ( x ? 2) 2 . Calculate the volume generated when the shaded region is revolved through 360? about the x-axis. http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 34 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com 3. y R (0, 4) x y ? ? 3? x 0 x=k The above figure shows part of the curve y ? ? 3 ? x and the straight line x = k. If the volume generated when the shaded region is revolved through 1 360? about the x-axis is 12 ? units3 , find the value of k. 2 http://mathsmozac. logspot. com 35 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM 2003- Paper 2 :Question 9 (b) Diagram 3 shows a curve x ? y 2 ? 1 which intersects the straight line 3 y ? 2 x at point A. y 3 y ? 2x 3y ? 2x x ? y2 ? 1 ?1 0 x Diagram 3 Calculate the volume generated when the shaded region is involved 360? about the y-axis. [6 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 36 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM 2004- Paper 2 :Question 10 Diagram 5 shows part of the curve y ? y 3 ? 2 x ? 1? 2 which passes through A(1, 3). A(1,3) y? 0 a) b) Di agram 5 3 ? 2 x ? 1? 2 x Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point A. [4 marks] A egion is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the straight lines x=2 and x= 3. i) Find the area of the region. ii) The region is revolved through 360? about the x-axis. Find the volume generated, in terms of ? . [6 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 37 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com SPM 2005- Paper 2 :Question 10 In Diagram 4, the straight line PQ is normal to the curve y ? straight line AR is parallel to the y-axis. y x2 ? 1 at A(2, 3). The 2 y? x2 ? 1 2 A(2, 3) 0 R Diagram 4 Find (a) (b) (c) Q(k, 0) x the value of k, [3 marks] the area of the shaded region, [4 marks] the volume generated, in terms of ? when the region bounded by the curve, the y-axis and the straight line y = 3 is revolved through 360? about y-axis. [3 marks] http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 38 http://sahatmozac. blogspot. com EXERCISE A EXERCISE B 1. 1 1 ? unit 2 15 1. 1 1 units 2 3 5 units 2 6 2. 2. 20 3 6 ? unit 3 5 k ? ?2 3. 3. 2 2 units 2 3 2 units 2 3 SPM QUESTIONS SPM 2003 Volume Generated ? 52 ? units3 15 4. 24 SPM 2004 i) Area ? 1 units 2 5 49 ? units3 1125 5. 1 units 2 2 k? 4 ii) Volume Generated ? 6. SPM 2005 a) k ? 8 1 b) Area ? 12 units2 3 c) Volume Generated ? 4? units? http://mathsmozac. blogspot. com 39

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Foundation and Empire 24. Convert

The thin life of Trantor trickled to nothing when they entered among the wide-spaced buildings of the University grounds. There was a solemn and lonely silence over it. The strangers of the Foundation knew nothing of the swirling days and nights of the bloody Sack that had left the University untouched. They knew nothing of the time after the collapse of the Imperial power, when the students, with their borrowed weapons, and their pale-faced inexperienced bravery, formed a protective volunteer army to protect the central shrine of the science of the Galaxy. They knew nothing of the Seven Days Fight, and the armistice that kept the University free, when even the Imperial palace clanged with the boots of Gilmer and his soldiers, during the short interval of their rule. Those of the Foundation, approaching for the first time, realized only that in a world of transition from a gutted old to a strenuous new this area was a quiet, graceful museum-piece of ancient greatness. They were intruders in a sense. The brooding emptiness rejected them. The academic atmosphere seemed still to live and to stir angrily at the disturbance. The library was a deceptively small building which broadened out vastly underground into a mammoth volume of silence and reverie. Ebling Mis paused before the elaborate murals of the reception room. He whispered – one had to whisper here: â€Å"I think we passed the catalog rooms back a way. I'll stop there.† His forehead was flushed, his hand trembling, â€Å"I mustn't be disturbed, Toran. Will you bring my meals down to me?† â€Å"Anything you say. We'll do all we can to help. Do you want us to work under you-â€Å" â€Å"No. I must be alone-â€Å" â€Å"You think you will get what you want.† And Ebling Mis replied with a soft certainty, â€Å"I know I will!† Toran and Bayta came closer to â€Å"setting up housekeeping† in normal fashion than at any time in their year of married life. It was a strange sort of â€Å"housekeeping.† They lived in the middle of grandeur with an inappropriate simplicity. Their food was drawn largely from Lee Senter's farm and was paid for in the little nuclear gadgets that may be found on any Trader's ship. Magnifico taught himself how to use the projectors in the library reading room, and sat over adventure novels and romances to the point where he was almost as forgetful of meals and sleep as was Ebling Mis. Ebling himself was completely buried. He had insisted on a hammock being slung up for him in the Psychology Reference Room. His face grew thin and white. His vigor of speech was lost and his favorite curses had died a mild death. There were times when the recognition of either Toran or Bayta seemed a struggle. He was more himself with Magnifico who brought him his meals and often sat watching him for hours at a time, with a queer, fascinated absorption, as the aging psychologist transcribed endless equations, cross-referred to endless book-films, scurried endlessly about in a wild mental effort towards an end he alone saw. Toran came upon her in the darkened room, and said sharply, â€Å"Bayta!† Bayta started guiltily. â€Å"Yes? You want me, Torie?† â€Å"Sure I want you. What in Space are you sitting there for? You've been acting all wrong since we got to Trantor. What's the matter with you?† â€Å"Oh, Torie, stop,† she said, wearily. And â€Å"Oh, Torie, stop!† he mimicked impatiently. Then, with sudden softness, â€Å"Won't you tell me what's wrong, Bay? Something's bothering you.† â€Å"No! Nothing is, Torie. If you keep on just nagging and nagging, you'll have me mad. I'm just – thinking.† â€Å"Thinking about what?† â€Å"About nothing. Well, about the Mule, and Haven, and the Foundation, and everything. About Ebling Mis and whether he'll find anything about the Second Foundation, and whether it will help us when he does find it – and a million other things. Are you satisfied?† Her voice was agitated. â€Å"If you're just brooding, do you mind stopping? It isn't pleasant and it doesn't help the situation.† Bayta got to her feet and smiled weakly. â€Å"All right. I'm happy. See, I'm smiling and jolly. â€Å" Magnifico's voice was an agitated cry outside. â€Å"My lady-â€Å" â€Å"What is it? Come-â€Å" Bayta's voice choked off sharply when the opening door framed the large, hard-faced- â€Å"Pritcher,† cried Toran. Bayta gasped, â€Å"Captain! How did you find us?† Han Pritcher stepped inside. His voice was clear and level, and utterly dead of feeling, â€Å"My rank is colonel now – under the Mule.† â€Å"Under the†¦ Mule!† Toran's voice trailed off. They formed a tableau there, the three. Magnifico stared wildly and shrank behind Toran. Nobody stopped to notice him. Bayta said, her hands trembling in each other's tight grasp, â€Å"You are arresting us? You have really gone over to them?† The colonel replied quickly, â€Å"I have not come to arrest you. My instructions make no mention of you. With regard to you, I am free, and I choose to exercise our old friendship, if you will let me.† Toran's face was a twisted suppression of fury, â€Å"How did you find us? You were in the Filian ship, then? You followed us?† The wooden lack of expression on Pritcher's face might have flickered in embarrassment. â€Å"I was on the Filian ship! I met you in the first place†¦ well†¦ by chance.† â€Å"It is a chance that is mathematically impossible.† â€Å"No. Simply rather improbable, so my statement will have to stand. In any case, you admitted to the. Filians – there is, of course, no such nation as Filia actually – that you were heading for the Trantor sector, and since the Mule already had his contacts upon Neotrantor, it was easy to have you detained there. Unfortunately, you got away before I arrived, but not long before. I had time to have the farms on Trantor ordered to report your arrival. It was done and I am here. May I sit down? I come in friendliness, believe me. He sat. Toran bent his head and thought futilely. With a numbed lack of emotion, Bayta prepared tea. Toran looked up harshly. â€Å"Well, what are you waiting for – colonel? What's your friendship? If it's not arrest, what is it then? Protective custody? Call in your men and give your orders.† Patiently, Pritcher shook his head. â€Å"No, Toran. I come of my own will to speak to you, to persuade you of the uselessness of what you are doing. If I fail I shall leave. That is all.† â€Å"That is all? Well, then peddle your propaganda, give us your speech, and leave. I don't want any tea, Bayta.† Pritcher accepted a cup, with a grave word of thanks. He looked at Toran with a clear strength as he sipped lightly. Then he said, â€Å"The Mule is a mutant. He can not be beaten in the very nature of the mutation-â€Å" â€Å"Why? What is the mutation?† asked Toran, with sour humor. â€Å"I suppose you'll tell us now, eh?† â€Å"Yes, I will. Your knowledge won't hurt him. You see – he is capable of adjusting the emotional balance of human beings. It sounds like a little trick, but it's quite unbeatable.† Bayta broke in, â€Å"The emotional balance?† She frowned, â€Å"Won't you explain that? I don't quite understand.† â€Å"I mean that it is an easy matter for him to instill into a capable general, say, the emotion of utter loyalty to the Mule and complete belief in the Mule's victory. His generals are emotionally controlled. They can not betray him; they can not weaken – and the control is permanent. His most capable enemies become his most faithful subordinates, The warlord of Kalgan surrenders his planet and becomes his viceroy for the Foundation.† â€Å"And you,† added Bayta, bitterly, â€Å"betray your cause and become Mule's envoy to Trantor. I see!† â€Å"I haven't finished. The Mule's gift works in reverse even more effectively. Despair is an emotion! At the crucial moment, keymen on the Foundation – keymen on Haven – despaired. Their worlds fell without too much struggle.† â€Å"Do you mean to say,† demanded Bayta, tensely, â€Å"that the feeling I had in the Time Vault was the Mule juggling my emotional control.† â€Å"Mine, too. Everyone's. How was it on Haven towards the end?† Bayta turned away. Colonel Pritcher continued earnestly, â€Å"As it works for worlds, so it works for individuals. Can you fight a force which can make you surrender willingly when it so desires; can make you a faithful servant when it so desires?† Toran said slowly, â€Å"How do I know this is the truth?† â€Å"Can you explain the fall of the Foundation and of Haven otherwise? Can you explain my conversion otherwise? Think, man! What have you – or I – or the whole Galaxy accomplished against the Mule in all this time? What one little thing?† Toran felt the challenge, â€Å"By the Galaxy, I can!† With a sudden touch of fierce satisfaction, he shouted, â€Å"Your wonderful Mule had contacts with Neotrantor you say that were to have detained us, eh? Those contacts are dead or worse. We killed the crown prince and left the other a whimpering idiot. The Mule did not stop us there, and that much has been undone.† â€Å"Why, no, not at all. Those weren't our men. The crown prince was a wine-soaked mediocrity. The other man, Commason, is phenomenally stupid. He was a power on his world but that didn't prevent him from being vicious, evil, and completely incompetent. We had nothing really to do with them. They were, in a sense, merely feints-â€Å" â€Å"It was they who detained us, or tried.† â€Å"Again, no. Commason had a personal slave – a man called Inchney. Detention was his policy. He is old, but will serve our temporary purpose. You would not have killed him, you see.† Bayta whirled on him. She had not touched her own tea. â€Å"But, by your very statement, your own emotions have been tampered with. You've got faith and belief in the Mule, an unnatural, a diseased faith in the Mule. Of what value are your opinions? You've lost all power of objective thought.† â€Å"You are wrong.† Slowly, the colonel shook his head. â€Å"Only my emotions are fixed. My reason is as it always was. It may be influenced in a certain direction by my conditioned emotions, but it is not forced. And there are some things I can see more clearly now that I am freed of my earlier emotional trend. â€Å"I can see that the Mule's program is an intelligent and worthy one. In the time since I have been – converted, I have followed his career from its start seven years ago. With his mutant mental power, he began by winning over a condottiere and his band. With that – and his power – he won a planet. With that – and his power – he extended his grip until he could tackle the warlord of Kalgan. Each step followed the other logically. With Kalgan in his pocket, he had a first-class fleet, and with that – and his power – he could attack the Foundation. â€Å"The Foundation is the key. It is the greatest area of industrial concentration in the Galaxy, and now that the nuclear techniques of the Foundation are in his hands, he is the actual master of the Galaxy. With those techniques – and his power – he can force the remnants of the Empire to acknowledge his rule, and eventually – with the death of the old emperor, who is mad and not long for this world – to crown him emperor. He will then have the name as well as the fact. With that – and his power – where is the world in the Galaxy that can oppose him? â€Å"In these last seven years, he has established a new Empire. In seven years, in other words, he will have accomplished what all Seldon's psychohistory could not have done in less than an additional seven hundred. The Galaxy will have peace and order at last. â€Å"And you could not stop it – any more than you could stop a planet's rush with your shoulders.† A long silence followed Pritcher's speech. What remained of his tea had grown cold. He emptied his cup, filled it again, and drained it slowly. Toran bit viciously at a thumbnail. Bayta's face was cold, and distant, and white. Then Bayta said in a thin voice, â€Å"We are not convinced. If the Mule wishes us to be, let him come here and condition us himself. You fought him until the last moment of your conversion, I imagine, didn't you?† â€Å"I did,† said Colonel Pritcher, solemnly. â€Å"Then allow us the same privilege.† Colonel Pritcher arose. With a crisp air of finality, he said, â€Å"Then I leave. As I said earlier, my mission at present concerns you in no way. Therefore, I don't think it will be necessary to report your presence here. That is not too great a kindness. If the Mule wishes you stopped, he no doubt has other men assigned to the job, and you will be stopped. But, for what it is worth, I shall not contribute more than my requirement.† â€Å"Thank you,† said Bayta faintly. â€Å"As for Magnifico. Where is he? Come out, Magnifico, I won't hurt you-â€Å" â€Å"What about him?† demanded Bayta, with sudden animation. â€Å"Nothing. My instructions make no mention of him, either. I have heard that he is searched for, but the Mule will find him when the time suits him. I shall say nothing. Will you shake hands?† Bayta shook her head. Toran glared his frustrated contempt. There was the slightest lowering of the colonel's iron shoulders. He strode to the door, turned and said: â€Å"One last thing. Don't think I am not aware of the source of your stubbornness. It is known that you search for the Second Foundation. The Mule, in his time, will take his measures. Nothing will help you – But I knew you in other times; perhaps there is something in my conscience that urged me to this; at any rate, I tried to help you and remove you from the final danger before it was too late. Good-by.† He saluted sharply – and was gone. Bayta turned to a silent Toran, and whispered, â€Å"They even know about the Second Foundation.† In the recesses of the library, Ebling Mis, unaware of all, crouched under the one spark of light amid the murky spaces and mumbled triumphantly to himself.